Eurasia News

Serbian President Boris Tadic says Serbia may join EU in ten years

Serbian President Boris Tadic said on Saturday (December 4th) that Serbia is facing ten more difficult years of decisive change on its road to EU membership. “I believe that Serbia will become a member before these ten years pass,” Tadic told a congress of the Serbian Renewal Movement in Belgrade.

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Russia skeptical about soon resumption of 5+2 talks

So far, the Russian Federation cannot see either grounds or reason for resuming the 5+2 negotiations on resolving the Transnistrian conflict, Vladimir Tchizhov, the Russian Ambassador to the European Union, stated to the press. The foreign media quoted him as saying he does not share the

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Cypriot FM visits Belgrade

Cypriot Foreign Minister Markos Kyprianou has arrived in Belgrade for a one-day visit, during which he will meet with the country’s top-ranking officials. Kyprianou has already conferred with his Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremić. The two ministers were expected to discuss the bilateral relations, Serbia’s European future, the issue of Kosovo …

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PIC urges Bosnian politicians to work for EU, NATO integration

The Peace Implementation Council (PIC) Steering Board urged Bosnian politicians Wednesday (December 1st) to form governments at all levels — as soon as possible — that will work to implement reforms and accelerate the country’s EU and NATO bids. In a communiqué released after their two-day meeting in Sarajevo, the …

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Serbia scraps visa for Albanian citizens

The Serbian government has decided to scrap visa requirements for Albanian citizens, publishing the decision signed last week in the Official Gazette on Wednesday (December 1st). Albania abolished visa requirements for Serbian citizens in April. Albanians will be free to travel without visas within the EU as of December 15th.

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Moldova parties start new coalition talks

Leaders of the Republic of Moldova’s ruling Alliance for European Integration (AIE) yesterday met to begin negotiations for a new government coalition, following parliamentary elections held on Sunday, Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Vlad Filat said, according to The Liberal Democrats, which came in second …

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Kievul reactioneaza la declaratiile lui Basescu privind unirea cu R.Moldova

Ucraina este interesată în menţinerea suveranităţii şi integrităţii teritoriale a Republicii Moldova, a declarat marţi directorul Departamentului pentru relaţia cu media din cadrul Ministerului ucrainean al Afacerilor Externe, Oleg Voloşin. ‘Ucraina a fost, este şi va fi o ţară extrem de interesată în menţinerea suveranităţii şi integrităţii teritoriale a Republicii …

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