Eurasia News

UN extends mandate of European force in Bosnia

The Security Council on Thursday extended for another year the European Union stabilization force entrusted with ensuring the continued compliance of all sides with the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement that ended fighting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The force, known as EUFOR, assumed peacekeeping responsibilities in 2004 from a stabilization force …

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UN Secretary-General will host meeting of Cypriot leaders

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon hosts a meeting between Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu on Thursday (November 18th) in a fresh effort to boost ongoing reunification talks. UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said Ban hopes the two would demonstrate “the courage required to break the stalemate on …

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Greek president on visit to Bulgaria

Greek president Karolos Papoulias is in Bulgaria to discuss the future development of bilateral relations and the construction of energy projects such as the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline and South Stream.

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Bulgarian party gathered 200,000 signatures for a referendum on Turkish EU accession

The 200,000 signatures required by Bulgarian legislation for Parliament to consider a referendum have been gathered for a vote on Turkish EU accession. This means that the proposal for a referendum will have to be forwarded by the parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs to be voted in plenary. According to …

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Serbian war crimes prosecutor expects Serge Brammertz’s report to be positive

Serbian war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević expressed expectation that Serge Brammertz’s report on Serbia’s cooperation will be positive. The chief Hague prosecutor was in Belgrade on Monday, and his report is due before the UN Security Council in December.

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