Eurasia News

Cypriot reunification talks continue

Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu met on Monday (November 8th) for another round of talks aimed at reunifying the divided island. Discussions are expected to focus on the complex property issue. The two leaders will meet with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York on …

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PACE could discuss possible sanctions against BiH

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) may discuss in either January or March possible sanctions against BiH for ignoring a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights, Council of Europe representative Caroline Ravaud warned on Sunday (November 7th) at a conference in Sarajevo. The European Court …

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Bucureşti, “capitala” Regiunii Dunării

Delegaţii din 14 state riverane Dunării – Austria, Bosnia Herţegovina, Bulgaria, Republica Cehă, Croaţia, Germania, Muntenegru, Republica Moldova, România, Serbia, Slovacia, Slovenia, Ucraina, Ungaria -, precum şi reprezentanţi ai landurilor riverane din Austria şi Germania şi ai instituţiilor europene s-au reunit, luni, la Palatul Parlamentului unde se desfăşoară Summitul Dunării. …

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Romania, Bulgaria to ask EP support for Schengen area accession, says Bulgarian PM

Romania and Bulgaria will ask the European Parliament for support in joining the Schengen Area, as agreed with Romanian President Traian Basescu in the European People’s Party summit, said Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov during a meeting Monday with his Romanian counterpart, Emil Boc.

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Bulgarian PM: Serbia, Croatia should decide on Belene NPP participation by the end of the week

Serbia and Croatia should officially decide whether they will take part in the Belene NPP project by the end of the week, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said in Bucharest, BNR reports. Borisov added that Bulgaria should decide on the quotas allocation of the construction works until the visit of …

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Greek prime minister drops threat of early election

Greece’s prime minister has dropped his threat to call a snap general election, after his Socialist party avoided a heavy defeat in crucial regional polls. George Papandreou said Greeks had shown they wanted his government to press ahead with its austerity programme.

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EU to lift visa requirements for Albania, Bosnia

EU interior ministers are expected to lift visa requirements for Albanian and Bosnian citizens during their two-day meeting here, Monday and Tuesday. According to EU sources, the decision will be applied before Christmas. Holders of biometric passports from the two Balkan countries can stay up to three months in any …

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Former Bosnian Serb prime minister acquitted of war crimes

Former Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic was acquitted on Friday (November 5th) of charges of crimes against humanity committed in 1992 in Bosanska Krupa. Two fellow former Bosnian Serb officials — Mladen Drljaca and Jovan Ostojic — were also declared not guilty due to lack of evidence. The three …

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