Eurasia News

Serbia: EU mandated to mediate in Belgrade-Pristina dialog

The EU has been mandated by the UN Secretary General to mediate in the dialog between Belgrade and Pristina, because this is a European issue, said Oliver Ivanovic, state secretary of the Serbian Ministry for Kosovo. “The stability of Europe and this part of the Balkans depends to a great …

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Bulgaria ethnic turks alarm Europe on Chief Mufti issue

The ethic Turkish party Movement for Rights and Freedoms (DPS) is going to file a complaint with the EC and PACE on the issue with the Chief Mufti in Bulgaria. A letter will be send to Viviane Reding, EC Vice-President and Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, and to …

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K. Albanians accuse UNMIK over north

A Kosovo Albanian government office in Priština says UN mission, UNMIK, “has turned into a real obstacle for improvement of the situation” in K. Mitrovica. The office that produced the report is in charge of implementing the so-called strategy for northern Kosovo. 

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European Union says agreement with Ukraine unlikely in November

Ukraine and the European Union are not likely to sign the Association Agreement during the November 22 summit, the European Commission’s spokeswoman, Angela Filote said. She said that the parties had already agreed that they need another year to complete the agreement.

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Romania to Sign New IMF Deal

Romania is to sign a new deal with the IMF in a bid to deal with its economic problems, Romanian President Traian Basescu has said. Basescu said at a parliamentary meeting on Tuesday he said the agreement will be signed next March after the current one expires.

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