
Popular Chinese Pundit Sima Nan: The West’s “Fancy Tricks” Against Russia In Ukraine May Eventually Be Used In Taiwan Against China; Foreign Volunteers Might Just Be NATO Soldiers Fighting As “Mercenaries”

On March 1, 2022, popular Chinese pundit and journalist Sima Nan published a video titled “Looking at Ukraine, Thinking about Taiwan” to the Chinese short video platform Kuaishou. In the video, he said that the “fancy tricks” being used by NATO and the West against Russia in Ukraine may be …

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine impacts the Middle East too

Russia and its ties to the Middle East The Russian invasion of Ukraine, launched on a large scale on February 24, marked the most significant escalation by Russia against its neighbor since 2014 and the largest invasion in Europe since World War II. In the past few years, the Kremlin …

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Ukraine War Prompts Flood of Misinformation, Fake News

The conflict has triggered the spread of fake news and disinformation in Serbia, Bosnia and Hungary, while religion and nationalism inspire some violations in Bosnia and North Macedonia.The second half of February was almost completely absorbed by the start of hostilities between Russia and Ukraine, coinciding with a significant rise …

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As the world shuns Russia over its invasion of Ukraine, Iran strengthens its ties with Moscow

Hours after Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine on February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin called his Iranian counterpart Ebrahim Raisi to inform him about Russia’s “special military operation.” During the call, Raisi expressed Iran’s understanding of Russia’s security concerns and affirmed the country’s contention that “NATO expansion is a …

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How the ‘Kosovo Precedent’ Shaped Putin’s Plan to Invade Ukraine

Vladimir Putin has consistently used Kosovo’s Western-backed unilateral declaration of independence as legal justification for his military incursions into other former Soviet republics to support Russian-backed rebels, writes judge Dean B. Pineles.As an American judge, I have extensive rule-of-law experience in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Kosovo. Looking at what has …

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Can Iranian oil stabilize a volatile market?

As fuel prices skyrocket following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, another major supplier of oil and natural gas is poised to play an important role. Before Donald Trump‘s withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear deal and the imposition of sanctions on Iran’s oil exports, Iran produced 3.8 million barrels of oil …

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The Russian invasion of Ukraine happened because the world gave Vladimir Putin a free pass in Syria

When Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, I rushed to a protest organized by Ukrainians in Oxford, England. I, along with fellow Syrians, brought the Syrian revolution flag to the protests to demand an end to the invasion. At the time, I struggled to put into …

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Ukraine War May Change Balkan Calculations, for Greece Too

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, experts say the EU and US will want to shore up the stability and Euro-Atlantic orientation of the Western Balkans against any Russian meddling. So might Greece finally recognise Kosovo?Acall by Kosovo for accelerated accession to NATO reflects heightened concern over the stability of the …

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Что ожидает Украину в ближайшие дни — победа или капитуляция?

Переговоры глав МИДов Украины и России — решающие. Они определят, как будет развиваться ситуация Начну с того, что меня очень расстраивает это совершенно позорное решение НАТО, США, Польши. Они 10 дней обсуждали возможность посылки военных самолетов в Украину. И вот выяснилось, что и Польша боится отправить их со своей территории, …

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Polsko-amerykański ping-pong. Myśliwce MiG-29 mogą już nie dolecieć do Ukrainy [KOMENTARZ]

To, co dzieje się wokół przekazania przez Polskę myśliwców MiG-29 Ukrainie wygląda, jak kompletna amatorszczyzna w wykonaniu naszych, ale również amerykańskich polityków i dyplomatów. Wywołali oni międzynarodowe zamieszanie, które nie pomaga walczącej z Rosją Ukrainie. Informacje na temat obrony Ukrainy możesz śledzić całą dobę w naszej RELACJI NA ŻYWO Więcej …

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