
France’s Macron Claims Progress in Ukraine-Russia Crisis, but Kyiv Remains Skeptical

French President Emmanuel Macron said Tuesday there is an opportunity for further negotiations to de-escalate the crisis on the Ukraine-Russian border, after talks with his Ukrainian counterpart, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, in Kyiv. “Our desire for the following weeks and months is for the situation to stabilize and for us to …

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«Позиция Эмманюэля Макрона заметно отличается от подхода США»

Максим Юсин — о посредничестве Франции в украинском кризисе Президент Владимир Путин считает, что в предложениях России о гарантиях по безопасности нет ни одного неисполнимого пункта. Об этом он заявил по итогам встречи с французским коллегой Эмманюэлем Макроном. Президент Франции в свою очередь признал, что добиться результата в таком вопросе …

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Западные партнеры окончательно согласовали между собой, что будут продвигать имплементацию “Минска”. Для них этот вариант наименее рисковый

Переговоры Макрона – Путина, заявления Блинкена – Борреля и переговоры Шольца – Байдена. Все это можно свести к нескольким ключевым выводам, как мне это видится. Западные партнеры окончательно согласовали между собой, что они будут продвигать имплементацию Минских соглашений как единственный способ для деэскалации и компромисса с РФ, самый безболезненный для …

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Do Not Open Nord Stream 2

The Russian threat… was very clear — that Russia would then be able to shut off its gas to Europe in the middle of winter [by means of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline], if it chose to, as a form of blackmail, at which point the US might then be …

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Anti-Liberal Russian Philosopher Dugin In Article Titled ‘Russia And China As The Vanguard Of Multipolarity’: The West-Led Unipolarity Is ‘Collapsing’

In an article published February 5, 2022, titled “Russia And China As The Vanguard Of Multipolarity,” anti-liberal Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin stressed that the West-led unipolarity is “collapsing.” According to Dugin, Russia and China are the only two powers that that are “capable” of “effectively challenging” the Western “hegemony,” as …

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Russian President Putin In Article Published By Chinese News Agency Xinhua: ‘Russia and China: A Future-Oriented Strategic Partnership’

On February 3, 2022, in advance of his visit to China, an article by Russian President Vladimir Putin was published by the Chinese news agency Xinhua. In the article, titled “Russian And China: A Future Oriented Strategic Partnership,” Putin wrote of his hope that Russia and China can “stand together” …

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Joint Russia-China Statement: ‘The Russian Side Reaffirms Its Support For The One-China Principle… And Opposes Any Forms Of Independence Of Taiwan’

On February 4, 2022, Russia and China published a joint statement on “the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development.” The statement, as noted in its introduction, focuses on seeking “multipolarity” in order to put an end to the U.S.-led unipolar order. The first part of …

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Explainer: Russia’s Mediterranean port in Syria

Several Russian warships have arrived in Tartus in western Syria, and this could affect a potential conflict with NATO over Ukraine. The Russian Ministry of Defense said Friday that six landing ships arrived in the port of Tartus in western Syria, located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Syria’s official news …

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After Qurayshi’s death, who are Mideast’s most wanted terrorists?

Following the death of Islamic State leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Quraysh, here’s a look at what Middle East terrorists remain at large. Before his death in an overnight US special forces raid, Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi was among one of the world’s most wanted terrorists. Al-Qurayshi took the helm of …

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Israel still hesitant to rehab diplomatic relations with Turkey

Jerusalem seems unconvinced that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sincerely wants to improve bilateral relations. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said today that his country and Israel may work together on exporting Israeli natural gas to Europe. “We can use Israeli natural gas in our country, and beyond using it, we …

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