
Bogusław Chrabota: Dziwna cisza w sprawie Ukrainy

Wojna na Wschodzie może wybuchnąć każdego dnia. Codziennie budzimy się z nerwowym pytaniem: czy na Ukrainie już się zaczęło? Groza wojny wisi w powietrzu. Mimo że Rosjanie na różnych forach zapewniają, że nie mają agresywnych planów wobec Kijowa, Zachód, w tym my Polacy, świetnie wie, że ponad 100 tys. wojska …

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How the US and NATO Could Settle Dispute Over Ukraine Without War

We have been bombarded by news reports and announcements from President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent. On January 18, as he prepared to leave for Kyiv, Berlin and Geneva, Secretary of State Blinken, said “We’re now at a stage …

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Lost Innocents

The U.S. Military’s Shameful Failure to Protect Civilians Eight years ago, it looked like the U.S. military was making progress in reducing the harm its operations caused to civilians. The counterinsurgency strategy in Afghanistan meant winning the hearts and minds of the population. Lessons from the Vietnam War about the …

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Goodness Gracious, David Ignatius: Why Do You Want More War?

No one in the mainstream media takes better dictation than David Ignatius, the leading columnist at the Washington Post on international security. Ignatius gets briefings from the Central Intelligence Agency and immediately prepares a column echoing the CIA’s case for aiding a Ukrainian insurgency in response to any Russian invasion. …

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Dangerous Heat Across the Globe

The planet is heating up like never before, as “ground temperatures” hit all-time records in the Northern Hemisphere as well as the Southern Hemisphere, and ocean temperatures threaten the world’s major fisheries of the Far North, which are imperiled beyond any known historical precedent. (See- The Oceans Are Overheating, January …

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Boris Johnson’s Populism May be Muted, But it is Still Accelerating Britain’s Decline

Defenders of Boris Johnson are telling mutinous Tory MPs not to focus solely on the dolce vita lifestyle enjoyed in No 10 when the rest of the population was locked up at home. Instead, they ask those who want rid of the Prime Minister to view his achievements more generally, …

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NATO as Religion

The US/NATO/Ukraine/Russia controversy is not entirely new. We already saw the potential of serious trouble in 2014 when the US and European states interfered in the internal affairs of Ukraine and covertly/overtly colluded in the coup d’état against the democratically elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, because he was not …

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Why Turkey wants to mediate in Ukraine crisis

Erdogan’s offer to mediate between the Russian and Ukrainian leaders reflects Ankara’s growing fears over the conundrums it could find itself in should war materialize. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s offer to mediate between Russia and Ukraine could be seen as a laudable peace effort or grandstanding, but the growing …

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Biden’s Latest Mayhem

It should not be surprising that Russian strongman Vladimir Putin believes he can invade Ukraine, a sovereign neighboring nation, and claim it as an historic part of his empire. After all, there is a shameful European history to reflect upon, combined with the most recent actions of the United States …

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In a Ukrainian city near Russia, a civilian army prepares for war

New paramilitary force says it is ready to defend the country in the event of a Russian ground invasion. *Only first names have been used in some instances to protect identities. Ukrainian soldiers shuffle through a sprawling post-Soviet factory. They enter a dusty auditorium, laughing as they fumble around in …

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