
OSCE says ceasefire agreement reached for eastern Ukraine

Negotiators from Ukraine, Russia and the Organisation of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) agreed to restore a full ceasefire between the Ukrainian government forces and Russia-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine, the OSCE said on Wednesday. “I was delighted that participants expressed their strong determination to fully adhere to the …

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Russia claims US mercenaries plan chemical attack in Ukraine

Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu offers no evidence of provocative accusations. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoygu claimed Tuesday that U.S. mercenaries were preparing Ukrainian special forces and radical armed groups for “active hostilities” in eastern Ukraine, and had delivered “an unidentified chemical component” to the region “to commit provocations.” Shoygu did …

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What’s behind the conflict between Russia and Ukraine?

Hostilities have simmered for years but tensions are now escalating amid fears of a Russian invasion. According to Washington, Russia has amassed more than 100,000 Russian soldiers on the border with Ukraine and in annexed Crimea in recent weeks. This has stoked fears in Kyiv and the West that the …

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A New Cold War Between Russia And The West Is Unnecessary

George Orwell, the author of “Animal Farm”, the satire on how a dictatorship can slowly but steadily evolve in a democratic society, and “1984”, a novel about a future dystopian dictatorship, was the first person to use the phrase “Cold War” in a 1945 newspaper article, written just after the …

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World War III Could Begin As World War I Did From Breakdown In Communication And Miscalculations

A third world war may begin for the same reasons that World War I did, as a result of the collapse of communications between major powers and miscalculations arising from the resulting tendency of governments to impute intentions on the basis of observed capabilities, Andrey Kortunov says. That makes the …

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Syria Is A ‘Haven’ For Mercenaries, Drug Traffickers

Syria has become “a haven for mercenaries, drug trafficking and terrorism” Geir Pederson, the UN Special Envoy to Damascus Tells the UN Security Council in a special meeting. His glaring comments come in a brief and were quickly reposted on the social media for their starkness and frank point of …

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Сыграй на лире…

Туристический сезон закончился, однако Турция возглавляет список стран, куда собираются россияне на Новый год. Многих интересует, что там с лирой, почему она скачет как бешеная — то рекордное падение, то новый взлет… Октябрь 2021 лира закончила на уровне менее 10 за доллар. В ноябре скакнула до 13, а 20 декабря …

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США ожидает стыд: придется просить прощения у России

На Западе спорят о том, как нужно реагировать на проведенные Россией красные линии: просто так отвергнуть переданные Москвой проекты договора с США и соглашения с НАТО не получится. Сторонники жесткой стратегии, то есть те, кто делает ставку на продолжение демонизации России и тотальную конфронтацию с нами, опасаются, что отсутствие однозначно …

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America’s Underperforming Military

Professional sports is a cutthroat business. Succeed and the people running the show reap rich rewards. Fail to meet expectations and you get handed your walking papers. American-style war in the twenty-first century is quite a different matter. Of course, war is not a game. The stakes on the battlefield …

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Nord Stream 2 is a double-edged geopolitical tool

When Pavel Zavalny, the chairman of Russian parliamentary committee on energy, made the forecast last Friday that Nord Stream 2 pipeline could start shipping natural gas to Germany as early as next month, it was received with disbelief. But Zavalny was categorical, and was quoted by Reuters as saying, “I …

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