
Possibility Of Civil War in U.S., Warn Three Retired Generals And CIA Consultant

Three retired U.S. army generals warned of an insurrection or even civil war if the results of the 2024 presidential election were not accepted by some in the military. Former Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, and former Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson made the warnings in an …

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Hamas sees terrorism as the way to push Israel towards concessions – analysis

More than half a year since the last round of violent escalations between the two sides, Hamas understands that terror is the route it must take in order to push Israel to make concessions. Hamas is increasingly pushing for deadly terrorist attacks in the West Bank as tensions continue to …

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Putin says Russia has ‘nowhere to retreat’ over Ukraine

President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that Russia had no room to retreat in a standoff with the United States over Ukraine and would be forced into a tough response unless the West dropped its “aggressive line”. Putin addressed his remarks to military officials as Russia pressed for an urgent …

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Що не так із підозрою, висунутою Петрові Порошенку

Як сприймуть висунуту п’ятому президентові України підозру в державній зраді на Заході Можна дуже не любити Порошенка. Але в той момент, коли країна потребує міжнародної коаліції для протистояння Путіну, робити з України державу, у якій є політичні репресії, не дуже розумно. А саме так і сприймуть підозру Порошенку на Заході. …

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Döviz kuruna istikrar geliyor

Türkiye, salgın döneminde gerek sağlık ve gerekse de ekonomiye destekler konusunda başarılı bir performans sergiledi. Bir yandan aşı ve sağlık hizmetlerinden faydalanma konusunda tüm vatandaşlarımıza hizmet verilirken, öte yandan sanayici, tüccar, esnaf ve emekçilere kısa çalışma ödeneği, nakdi ücret desteği, işsizlik ödeneği, sosyal yardımlarla ekonomiye katkı ve destek verilmişti. Yeni …

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Linas Kojala. Dviejų pasaulių susidūrimas

„Nieko apie mus be mūsų pačių“. Ši nuostata vienaip ar kitaip veikia Vidurio ir Rytų Europos raidą jau daugiau nei pusę tūkstančio metų. Tiksliau būtų teigti, kad šis principas teoriškai tiek laiko egzistuoja, tačiau nebuvo realizuojamas. Geopolitiniame kontekste didieji žaidėjai tradiciškai pastumdavo mažuosius į šalį ir priimdavo sprendimus neatsižvelgdami į …

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Misrepresenting Ukraine’s Democracy, Misguiding US Foreign Affairs

Afterthoughts on a Debate in Washington and Nuclear Non-Proliferation Over the last eight years, Ukraine has – in connection with its pro-Western Euromaidan Revolution of 2013-2014 as well as following territorial conflicts with Russia – become a major issue in US and EU foreign policies. Today, Ukraine’s domestic as well …

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Russia Studying Impact Of A New Edition Of US Triangular Diplomacy

Russian policy experts and academic researchers have been upbeat with heated reactions, especially in the local media on the current state of affairs between the United States, Europe and Russia, and the prospects of moving forward. The focus has been on the key questions dealing with the North Atlantic Treaty …

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Russia Energy Profile: Third-Largest Producer Of Petroleum And Other Liquids – Analysis

Russia was the world’s third-largest producer of petroleum and other liquids (after the United States and Saudi Arabia) in 2020; it had an annual average of 10.5 million barrels per day (b/d) in total liquid fuels production. Russia was the second-largest producer of dry natural gas in 2020 (second to …

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The Russia-Ukraine Border Crisis: Europe’s Moment Of Reckoning

The relations between the European Union (EU)–Russia persistently provoke hostility as illustrated by the natural gas crisis across Europe in October and November, and now the deployment of forces by Russia at the Ukraine border. The West has labelled Russia’s movement as aggressive actions; however, the Russians have denied such …

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