
The New Era Of Great Power Competition And The Biden Administration: Emerging Patterns And Principles – Analysis

The administration of President Joseph Biden began in early 2021 amid daunting domestic challenges and an evolving era of Great Power competition (GPC). This era—emerging since 2008, evident since 2014, and on full display since 2017—features a three-state GPC where the United States, China, and Russia joust for international status …

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Will We See Deflation In The Next 12 Months? – Analysis

I’m not worried at this point about a deflationary spiral, but I see what, to my view, is a plausible scenario where the CPI actually goes negative in the next twelve months. I go through the categories and my predictions component by component below, but there are four main items …

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Anna Słojewska: Chybiona szarża

Pomysł angażowania kapitału politycznego Polski do walki o likwidację czy jakieś fundamentalne zmiany w unijnym systemie handlu emisjami jest nietrafiony z kilku powodów. Propozycja Solidarnej Polski, by zlikwidować unijny system handlu emisjami (ETS), jest niemądra i nierealistyczna. Jeśli premier ją podejmie i będzie przekonywał europejskich partnerów do znaczących zmian w …

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Så dags att vakna nu, Linde och Dadgostar

Gaspriset rusar igen efter att den nya tyska regeringen har uttalat sig om den rysk-tyska gasledningen Nordstream 2. Ansökan uppfyller inte kraven för godkännande, heter det. Men den egentliga orsaken är troligen en annan: Så länge Ryssland hotar med en ny invasion av Ukraina kan inte Tyskland ge grönt ljus …

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Germany expels Russian diplomats after court rules Moscow ordered murder of dissident

Incident represents ‘serious violation’ of German law and sovereignty, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said. Germany expelled two Russian diplomats Wednesday after a Berlin court ruled a man had murdered a Chechen dissident on behalf of the Moscow government in what the presiding judge declared was an act of “state terrorism.” …

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Rightsizing in the Middle East

The U.S. Military Should Pull Back but Not Pull Out Since declaring his candidacy for president, Joe Biden, like his two Oval Office predecessors, has made it clear that he wants to rebalance the United States’ military presence in the Middle East. During the 2020 campaign, Biden pledged to “end …

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Washington Is Preparing for the Wrong War With China

The United States is getting serious about the threat of war with China. The U.S. Department of Defense has labeled China its primary adversary, civilian leaders have directed the military to develop credible plans to defend Taiwan, and President Joe Biden has strongly implied that the United States would not …

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Libye : entre Haftar et le gouvernement, une poudrière nommée Sebha

La stratégique capitale du sud est le théâtre d’une nouvelle lutte de pouvoir entre les groupes armés du Gouvernement d’union nationale (GUN) et ceux de Khalifa Haftar. Le tout sur fond de recomposition des alliances tribales impliquant les forces kadhafistes. La situation reste extrêmement tendue à Sebha, capitale du Fezzan, …

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Centrafrique: l’UE suspend sa mission d’entraînement des FACA, lorgnées par Wagner

L’Union européenne a annoncé, mercredi 15 décembre, suspendre sa mission de formation de l’armée nationale en raison « du contrôle exercé par les mercenaires de la société Wagner sur les Forces armées centrafricaines » (FACA). La décision été prise il y a deux semaines, en prélude aux sanctions ciblant l’organisation …

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Mercenaires russes au Mali: Washington met en garde Bamako

Le secrétaire d’Etat américain Antony Blinken a mis en garde le Mali mercredi contre des conséquences financières et une déstabilisation du pays, déjà en proie aux violences, si le gouvernement recrutait le groupe russe de mercenaires Wagner. La junte au pouvoir à Bamako menace de recourir aux services de cette …

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