
Is US threat to consider striking Iran for real? – analysis

According to the report, the US-Israeli preparations underscore Western concern about the nuclear talks potentially reaching a dead end. Stop the presses. After almost a year of declining to put any real pressure on Iran, the US leaked a real military threat on Wednesday for the first time. Or did …

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Turkey’s good relations with Qatar may not be enough for Erdogan

Erdogan’s Qatar visit failed to produce agreements that could help the ailing Turkish economy, but he wants to maintain Turkey’s partnership with Qatar, including military ties, while making efforts to reconcile with Gulf rivals. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has paid a visit to Qatar – a country he sees …

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Why Poorer Nations Aren’t Falling for Green-Washed Imperialism

Fighting global warming is not just about providing a path to net-zero carbon emissions for all countries. It is also about figuring out how best to meet the energy needs of people across the world while working toward net-zero emissions. If fossil fuels have to be given up, which has …

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Biden’s $650 Million Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia

The vote wasn’t even close. On December 7, the US Senate voted 30-67 against a joint resolution (S.J. Res. 31) which would have blocked a $650 million US arms sale to Saudi Arabia. Only two Republicans voted in favor of the resolution: Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and Senator Mike …

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UE: Emmanuel Macron doit appuyer les ambitions allemandes

Une nouvelle coalition très pro-européenne s’installe à Berlin alors que la France va prendre la présidence de l’Union européenne C’est une fenêtre de tir. Quelques heures après l’installation au pouvoir d’Olaf Scholz à Berlin, Emmanuel Macron présente sa vision de la présidence française de l’UE, ce jeudi au cours d’une …

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Biden Warns Putin Against Possible Ukraine Invasion

U.S. President Joe Biden told his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, Tuesday that the U.S. and its European allies have “deep concerns” about Moscow massing its forces near the Ukrainian border and would respond with “strong” economic sanctions if Russia invades its one-time satellite country, the White House said. In a …

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Kremlin Reveals What Putin Asked Of Biden

In a “frank and businesslike” conversation Russian President Vladimir Putin asked his US counterpart Joe Biden for guarantees that NATO won’t expand further east or deploy offensive weapons to countries like Ukraine. Moscow is “seriously interested” in obtaining “reliable and firm legal guarantees” excluding NATO’s further expansion eastward and deployment …

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Al-Sadr’s Gambit Must Succeed If Iraq Is To Have Bright Future – OpEd

Of all the Iraqi religious scholars turned politicians, Shiite cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr is the most controversial, bold and charismatic. He comes from a family that has stood up to oppressive regimes on nationalistic grounds. At 47, he is still young and relatively inexperienced. Once an ally of Iran, he is …

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Biden’s Democracy Summit – Analysis

US President Joe Biden is scheduled to host the first (virtual) edition of ‘The Summit for Democracy’ on 9-10 December 2021. This will be followed by year-long initiatives leading to an in-person summit in 2022. According to the State Department, the summit aims to bring together leaders from government, civil …

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Food Inflation In Sub-Saharan Africa – Analysis

Inflation is rising around the world. In sub-Saharan Africa, one item is driving the trend more than others: food prices. Food accounts for roughly 40 percent of the region’s consumption basket—a measure of goods and services used to measure consumer price index (CPI) inflation. Food inflation increased throughout 2019, on …

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