
Conflict In Yemen Escalates – Analysis

The war in Yemen intensified over the past weekend as tit-for-tat attacks were reported between Iran-aligned Houthis and Saudi-led coalition. On Saturday, the Houthis claimed that they fired 14 drones in several cities in Saudi Arabia in response to what the group described as Saudi aggression and the continuation of …

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Quad And AUKUS: Compacts To Collar China – Analysis

A historical analogy may be necessary to fully understand the looming conflict between Chinese authoritarianism and the uneasy democracies of the world. In the run up to the First World War, Germany pursued a combination of militarism, overbearing diplomacy, nationalism and brinkmanship in order to achieve policy goals, despite the …

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Middle Eastern Autocrats Sigh Relief: US Signals Democracy Summit Won’t Change Policy – Analysis

The United States has signalled in advance of next week’s Summit for Democracy that it is unlikely to translate lip service to adherence to human rights and democratic values in the Middle East into a policy that demonstrates seriousness and commitment. In a statement, the State Department said the December …

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Jerzy Haszczyński: Jedna ofiara nie wystarczy. Kto kolejny?

Jeżeli USA, jako lider NATO, ulegną ultimatum w sprawie Ukrainy, usłyszą następne. One będą dotyczyć państw członkowskich sojuszu. To logika wschodniego imperium, które krok po kroku niszczy obecny porządek światowy. Ważą się losy naszego bezpieczeństwa. Czyli przyszłości Polski i całego regionu. Nie ma w tym przesady, choć chyba każdy by …

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Das bleibt von Sebastian Kurz

Der einst so bestaunte politische Wunderknabe tritt von der politischen Bühne ab. Er hinterlässt ein verwundetes und gespaltenes Land und eine schwer angeschlagene Volkspartei. Also doch nicht mehr als 10 Jahre: In seiner kurzen Abschiedsrede erinnerte Sebastian Kurz noch einmal daran, dass er einst angekündigt hatte, er wolle nie länger …

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Russian and Chinese Efforts to Encircle Japan May Prove Counterproductive

Intensifying Russian and Chinese joint military activities around Japan are intended to cow Tokyo into timidity. They are likely to have the opposite effect. The Russian heavy bomber’s propellers whipped up snow from the runway at the Ukrainka base in Russia’s Far East as it took off to join its …

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Britain as a Force for Good: Six Ways to Turn a Slogan Into Reality

Published jointly with the International Rescue Committee, this essay collection focuses on how the Global Britain vision can be made a reality Given a challenging geopolitical environment, the recently published Integrated Review of the UK’s security, defence, development and foreign policies, and the appointment of a new foreign secretary, RUSI …

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EU-US To Start New Defense And Security Dialogue In Early 2022

A previously touted US-EU dialogue on security and defence is set to be launched in early 2022, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the EU’s chief diplomat Josep Borrell announced in a statement on Friday (3 December). First announced in their joint EU-US June summit, the first meeting is …

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China Deepens Informal Alliance With Russia – Analysis

China and Russia have strengthened their political, economic and military relations this year, despite their uneasy history in the past, as both countries say they resent what they call growing pressure from the West. So far this year, the two have held a series of military exercises and issued joint …

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Shifting Geography Of The South Caucasus – Analysis

South Caucasus’ shifting geography has been the single most important development in the region following the second Nagorno-Karabakh war. One year since the end of the second Nagorno-Karabakh war allows us to wrap up major changes in and around the South Caucasus. Most of the changes discussed in the scholarly …

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