
Krzyzys na granicy z Białorusią: wezwijmy Unię na pomoc

Dziwi tępy upór władz, które wzbraniają się przed przyjęciem wsparcia Frontexu czy państw unijnych. Przecież w interesie Polski jest to, by odpowiedzialność za to, co się dzieje na granicy, spadała nie tylko na nas, ale rozłożyła się na całą społeczność europejską. Niezależnie od tego, co planuje reżim Aleksandra Łukaszenki i …

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Is the Russia-China strategic partnership turning into a military one?

Washington shouldn’t be surprised, after years of building and leading security bulwarks against both countries. In October, Russia and China conducted a week-long joint naval patrol — their first such exercise in the Western Pacific. Five Russian and five Chinese warships sailed through the international waters of the Tsugaru Strait, …

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Man tries to stab police in Cannes, terrorist motive ‘being considered’

Police sources reportedly said the suspect claimed he was acting ‘in the name of the prophet.’ A man armed with a knife assaulted a police officer on Monday morning in Cannes, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said, with police sources telling AFP that a terrorist motive is being considered. The …

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Пат с оставка

След оттеглянето на премиера Зоран Заев политическата несигурност в Скопие ще забави разрешаването на спора със София Зоран Заев е единственият премиер в 30-годишната история на Северна Македония, подавал оставка. И то два пъти. Вторият дойде в неделя, след като неговият Социалдемократически съюз на Македония (СДСМ) загуби на втория тур …

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Migranti, la vergogna dell’Europa

Insieme alla Polonia, che respinge uomini, donne e bambini al confine con la Bielorussia, tutta l’Unione europea si rende complice del reato di violazione dell’obbligo di soccorso a persone in grave pericolo Devo confessarlo, per quanto sia ironico, per quanto sia doloroso. Devo ammettere che i polacchi non possono aprire …

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World Trade Threatened By Unilateralism – Analysis

Recently, the WTO celebrated the 20th anniversary of China’s entry into the global trading system. To overcome the threat of unilateralism, the WTO can no longer be an arm of the G7. It must become more inclusive and multilateral. In the postwar era, the World Trade Organization (WTO) achieved significant …

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Iraq’s Political Instability Raises Al-Sistani Succession Stakes – Analysis

Besides Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama, few religious leaders today command as much respect among Muslims and non-Muslims alike as Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, the 91-year-old “supreme marja” of the world’s Shiite Muslims. Al-Sistani was a disciple of Ayatollah Abu Al-Qasim Al-Khoei, who was for decades the most renowned …

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Pakistan-Russia: Moving Forward To Better Ties – Analysis

In late September 2021, the Pakistan-Russia Joint Military Consultative Committee (JMCC) met for the third time. The meeting was held between Pakistan’s Defence Secretary Lieutenant General (Retired) Mian Mohammad Hilal Hussain and Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister Col Gen Alexander V Fomin during which matters of mutual interest and cooperation in …

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Confronting Challenge Of Weaponized Corruption In Black Sea Region And Beyond – Analysis

Existing and emerging democratic nations around the world—particularly the Black Sea countries bordering Russia—face expanding threats that transcend traditional forms of warfare. Authoritarian regimes such as those of the current Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China increasingly rely on creative measures short of war to undermine, stall, or outright …

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Countering Transnational Crime Demands Greater Global Cooperation – Analysis

Transnational organised crime (TOC) is becoming an increasingly global problem that will require international and interagency coordination, network analysis and information sharing. Drug trafficking accounts for 30 per cent of the proceeds of TOC. It also includes a wide-range of other criminal activities such as human trafficking, arms trafficking, migrant …

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