
Hand-to-hand Clashes Between Russian and U.S. Forces in Hassakeh

Local sources circulated a video showing clashes between Russian and U.S. patrol agents in the countryside of Hassakeh, according to SY-24. Local sources circulated a video showing clashes of hands between Russian and U.S. patrol agents in the countryside of Hassakeh in eastern Syria. According to the sources, U.S. armored …

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Переворот у Тунісі – удар по міфу Заходу, що “арабська весна” принесла більше блага, ніж хаосу

У Тунісі відбувся конституційний переворот. Президент країни Каїс Саїд фактично захопив владу. Уночі він оголосив про припинення роботи парламенту, звільнення прем’єр-міністра, взяття на себе його повноважень і зняття недоторканності з депутатів. У столицю було введено війська. По суті, це ва-банк. Кульмінація політичної кризи, яка тягнеться вже понад рік через конфлікт …

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Conflict Trends Update

LEBANON Parliament Monday nominated Najib al-Miqati to head a new government. The country has had only a caretaker cabinet since August 2020, when Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned with his ministers following the catastrophic explosion at Beirut’s port. Miqati is a billionaire businessman who has been premier twice before. He …

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Hardened US And Iranian Positions Question Efficacy Of Parties’ Negotiating Tactics – Analysis

The United States and Iran seem to be hardening their positions in advance of a resumption of negotiations to revive a 2015 international nuclear agreement once Iranian President-elect Ebrahim Raisi takes office in early August. Concern among supporters of the agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear program which former US President …

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Reframing Russia’s Afghanistan Policy – Analysis

As the deadline for the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan looms, the Taliban has gone on the offensive, capturing over fifty additional districts in the country since May 2021. Several hundred Afghan soldiers have fled the country crossing to its neighbours to the north, with several thousand civilians reportedly applying for …

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Trial Evidence Contradicts Claims In Bosnian Serbs’ Srebrenica Report – Analysis

A report by a Bosnian Serb-funded commission has claimed the Srebrenica massacres were not genocide and most victims were not civilians – but some of its controversial assertions are contradicted by evidence heard at trials at international courts. A report published last week by a commission to scrutinise events in …

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«Недоречно поєднувати два саміти» — політтехнологиня про саміт Зеленської

Вперше в історії Україна організовує Київський саміт дружин та чоловіків лідерів держав, запланований на 23 серпня. На цю ж дату заплановане проведення саміту «Кримської платформи». Проте поєднувати такі події – недоречно. Таку думку висловила в етері Громадського радіо політтехнологиня Катерина Одарченко. «Адже «Кримська платформа» має чітку мету – це деокупація …

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Migranti se blíží! Strašidlo české předvolební politiky versus skutečná situace na hranicích Evropské unie

Nejprve si řekněme jednu věc takto přímo do očí: Strašení přílivem migrantů v české politice funguje, i když drtivá většina lidí tady žádného uprchlíka neviděla ani z dálky. Na naši nervovou soustavu funguje strach z neznámého, cizího a nejistého poměrně spolehlivě, takže zneužití tématu migrace patří do arzenálu hlavně těch …

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Moldova’s Pro-European Victors Face Huge Challenge in Delivering Reforms

The pro-Western winners in July’s elections have promised the country a long list of changes – but actually implementing them will be far from easy. The crushing victory of pro-European forces in Moldova’s July 11 early parliamentary elections over pro-Russian parties has brought the country potential benefits but also many …

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Ankara Says Turkish Troops Stationed in Afghanistan Will Not Engage in Combat Duty

The Turkish contingent in Afghanistan will not assume any combat duty other than self-defense, Defense Ministry spokeswoman Pinar Kara said on Thursday. “The Turkish armed forces have been stationed in Afghanistan for 20 years, and for the past six years, they have been protecting and running the international airport in …

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