
Syrian jihadi group in Idlib boasts about new, advanced weapons

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham leader has recently boasted about his group’s growing weapons arsenal and military capabilities, as the Syrian government forces escalate their attacks on Idlib. The commander of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, Abu Mohammed al-Golani, ruled out a ground attack by the …

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Neiespējamās misijas

Pēc gandrīz divdesmit gadu militāras klātbūtnes ASV pamet Afganistānu, tā arī nepanākot Rietumiem saprotamas demokrātiskas iekārtas izveidi šajā valstī. Lai sajūta, ka Rietumu misijas bijušas neveiksmīgas, nostiprinātos vēl vairāk, var pieminēt, ka Francija jūlijā paziņoja – līdz nākamā gada aprīlim tā izvedīs apmēram 5000 militārpersonu, kuras kopš 2013. gada centušās …

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Ще продължи ли Тунис да бъде успешната история на Арабската пролет?

От Арабската пролет насам, тръгнала именно от Тунис, въпросната страна често е посочвана като “успешната история” на масовите вълнения в Северна Африка, започнали през 2011-та година. Основната причина за това е тази, че в Тунис секуларистите и ислямистите успяваха да намерят компромиса помежду им, формирайки коалиционни кабинети. Тези правителства често …

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Tunisia: l’Europa non può più restare a guardare

Crisi di crescita democratica o recrudescenza autoritaria in Tunisia? Il presidente Kais Saied rimuove il primo ministro Hichem Mechichi, sospende i lavori del Parlamento e revoca l’immunità dei deputati, appellandosi all’articolo 80 della Costituzione che prevede “misure eccezionali” in caso di “pericolo imminente”. Rachid Gannouchi, presidente del Parlamento e leader …

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Prezydent Tunezji obala rząd. Wygra demokracja czy dyktatura?

Kais Saied odwołał premiera i ministrów, zawiesił parlament, odebrał posłom immunitety i zapowiedział, że będą ścigani za korupcję. Jego zdaniem sfrustrowane społeczeństwo ma dość. O takiej sytuacji analitycy polityczni mówią: konsolidacja władzy. Prezydent Tunezji Kais Saied odwołał premiera i ministrów, w tym sprawiedliwości i obrony, zawiesił podzielony, ale różnorodny parlament, …

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About The Pegasus Project

An unprecedented leak of more than 50,000 phone numbers selected for surveillance by the customers of the israeli company NSO Group shows how this technology has been systematically abused for years. The Forbidden Stories consortium and Amnesty International had access to records of phone numbers selected by NSO clients in …

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The Apocalypse is Now

Apocalypse is complete destruction of the world as described in some detail in the biblical book of Revelation. Nothing worse can happen to humanity. Interestingly, it has been a recurring aspect of civilization for over two thousand years but every prediction of “End Times” has failed. Yet, modern day society …

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US unveils Syria sanctions targeting regime prisons, rebel group

The wave of sanctions targets eight military prisons, including the notorious Saydnaya prison outside the capital Damascus that rights groups have described as a “human slaughterhouse.” The Biden administration on Wednesday issued its first round of Syria-related sanctions since taking office, designating a number of regime detention centers and prison …

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Israel Reaches Agreement on Almost $18 Bln Defence Budget for 2022

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Finance Minister Avigdor Liberman, and Defense Minister Benny Gantz agreed on a 58 billion Israeli shekel ($17.8 billion) defenсe establishment budget for 2022, the prime minister’s office said on 28 July. “As part of the understandings, it was agreed that the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] …

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Blinken Visit to New Delhi Expands Indo-US Partnership

The United States and India reaffirmed their commitment to deepening their security partnership during a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to New Delhi. Ties between the two countries have steadily improved amid mutual concerns about China’s growing influence. “There are few relationships in the world that are …

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