
«Поддерживая талибов, Москве важно не перегнуть палку»

Согласно докладу миссии ООН по содействию Афганистану, в этой стране резко возросло число жертв среди мирного населения. Причина — усилившаяся активность талибов на фоне вывода американских войск. Обозреватель “Ъ” Максим Юсин задумался о противоречивой позиции российских властей в отношении движения «Талибан» (запрещено в России), которое формально запрещено, но с которым, …

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Making War Obsolete

We should have abolished war after World War II. That war was so lethal and so destructive, even before the dropping of the atomic bombs, that had people understood that there is a real alternative to deadly violent conflict, humanity might have taken another path. Instead, we took the path …

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Jordan can’t be Palestinian homeland in two-state solution – King Abdullah

“The Palestinians do not want to be in Jordan,” Abdullah said. “They want their lands, they want their football team. They want their flag to fly above their houses.” Jordan cannot become the state of the Palestinians, King Abdullah II, the Hashemite Kingdom’s monarch, told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an …

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Lockheed Martin, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems to make new laser weapon

The two companies will work together to develop a ground-based laser weapon system. Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems will work together to develop a ground-based laser weapon for Israel, the companies announced on Tuesday. The two companies signed a Principles of Cooperation agreement stating that they will “also …

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If Biden can’t stand up to Saudi Arabia, then Congress should, and now

The administration has been sluggish in its pledge to withdraw material support to the Kingdom and help end the blockade in Yemen. In sharp contrast to Donald Trump’s uncritical embrace of the Saudi regime and its brutal war in Yemen, President Biden took the opportunity of his first foreign policy …

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Don’t let the generals dictate the war’s legacy, make them answer for it

Expect the military officials who commanded Afghanistan to invoke ‘cutting and running.’ Let’s talk about why they failed. David Petraeus — remember him? — recently confided to a nationwide television audience that prospects in Afghanistan are looking grim. “The situation on the ground,” the retired general told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, …

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Enquête – Dans les coulisses du softpower russe en Afrique

« La symphonie africaine de Poutine » (2/2). Productions de contenus audiovisuels, financement de médias locaux, parrainage d’influenceurs « anti-impérialistes », campagnes de propagande sur internet… Les moyens déployés par Moscou pour promouvoir son action sont innombrables. Ils sont plusieurs milliers, massés dans les travées du stade Barthélémy-Boganda de Bangui, …

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Iraq’s military disputes militia claim about drone attack

The Imam Ali Division militia claimed two drones attacked one of its storage facilities near Najaf. Iraq’s military pushed back on a claim by a pro-Iran militia that one of the militia’s storage facilities in Najaf had been attacked by a drone. Iraq’s security media cell said that an explosion …

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Biden announces end to US combat mission in Iraq

Following a White House meeting today between US President Joe Biden and Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi, the two side announced an agreement that the US combat mission in Iraq will end by Dec. 31, 2021. US President Joe Biden on Monday announced that the US military’s role in Iraq …

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