
Is Western Europe Really Turning to the Right?

A large-scale and widely-noted survey, “The Conversion of Europeans to the Values of the Right,” suggests that Western Europe is trending conservative. But a close look at the survey data finds that not to be the case. In other words, the “values of the Right” mentioned in the Fondapol survey …

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Clima, il messaggio dell’acqua

Record di pioggia. Record di morti. Record di danni. La catastrofe che ha colpito il cuore dell’Europa, un’ampia regione tra Germania, Belgio e Francia, macina primati. La conta dei morti e dei dispersi nel solo Paese di Angela Merkel supera quota mille. Ed è chiaro che la campagna elettorale per …

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Senate Republicans introduce a bill to impose sanctions on Iran

Senator Barrasso said that “Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and new President Ebrahim Raisi both have atrocious human rights records.” A group of 17 Senate Republicans introduced a bill on Friday that seeks to impose sanctions on Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Ebrahim Raisi, who was elected president …

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Power struggle in Iraqi Kurdistan on hold as Talabani brothers prevail

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan co-chair Lahur Talabani has been peacefully ousted, and Ankara is clearly happy about the turn of events. Lahur Talabani, the ousted co-chair of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), has signaled that he will not fight back, saying the succession for the leadership of Iraqi Kurdistan’s …

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Sadr withdraws from Iraqi elections

Populist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has withdrawn from Iraq’s October elections, removing his support for the government. The head of Iraq’s Sadrist movement, populist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, announced July 15 that he will not participate in the early elections scheduled for Oct. 10. Soon after, hundreds of Sadrists gathered in various …

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Syrian jihadi groups crack down on rivals in Idlib

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is tightening the noose on the jihadi Jundallah group and asking it to join it or leave Idlib, in what observers described as an attempt on the part of HTS to get rid of non-Syrian fighters. Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which controls Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, …

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Kıbrıs’ta ne olacak?

Erdoğan Kurban Bayramı vesilesi ile KKTC’ye bir ziyaret gerçekleştireceğini açıkladı. Ziyaret çerçevesinde mecliste bir konuşma yapacak olan Erdoğan’ın konuşması esnasında Kıbrıs’la ilgili önemli müjdeler vermesi bekleniyor. Müjdenin içeriği şimdilik kamuoyu tarafından bilinmiyor. Yorumcuların bir kısmı müjdenin Maraş’la ilgili olacağını söylüyor. Diğer taraftan Azerbaycan yetkilileri ile KKTC yetkilileri arasında üst düzey …

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Πρόεδρε αφυπνίσου… χάνεται και η Αμμόχωστος!

Σε αμηχανία βρίσκεται ο Πρόεδρος Αναστασιάδης σε ό,τι αφορά τις τελευταίες εξελίξεις στο Κυπριακό, περιμένοντας τις κινήσεις του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν στις 20 Ιουλίου για τα Βαρώσια. Δυστυχώς, για τον τόπο και τον λαό μας, πληρώνουμε τις παλινδρομήσεις και την αδράνεια του Προέδρου Αναστασιάδη και τους ολέθριους χειρισμούς του τα τελευταία …

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Taliban Active in Pakistan as Dead and Wounded Militants Arrive from Afghanistan

Afghan Taliban and their local associates are active in Pakistan’s border regions, local sources told VOA, as Pakistan has acknowledged that bodies of militants killed in Afghanistan arrive in Pakistan, and wounded Taliban are treated in local hospitals. In a June 27 interview with Geo News, a local Pakistani channel, …

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Protests Roil Havana as Cubans Push Back Against the Regime

Thousands of Cubans have taken to the streets this week to organize some of the largest protests seen in the country in decades. Videos circulating on social media show Cuban security forces violently beating protesters before detaining them and hauling them off to prison. Demonstrators rallied against declining living conditions, …

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