
The int’l community must resist calls for ‘muscular intervention’ in Haiti

The int’l community must resist calls for ‘muscular intervention’ in Haiti The legacy of foreign influence there is a grim one, especially when ‘help’ has ended up resulting in the opposite. As headlines move beyond the initial shock of Haitian (de facto) President Jovenel Moïse’s assassination, the question looms of …

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EU: New Political Alliance to Fight Creation of European Superstate

The July 2 “Joint Declaration on the Future of the European Union” represents the first significant endeavor by euroskeptic parties to jointly oppose efforts by European federalists to transform the European Union into a godless multicultural superstate. The document states that the European Union requires “profound reform” because, “instead of …

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Ще има ли България правителство след 11 юли?

Ще има ли България ново правителство? Правителство на промяната и реформите, правителство, което хем да развива и модернизира България, хем да генерира доверие сред гражданите, като ги убеди, че след края на мандата ще им остави държава каквато те биха искали да имат! Каквито и да са крайните резултати от …

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Poland could purchase M1 Abrams tanks from US

Poland’s Defence Ministry is reportedly preparing to buy about 250 M1 Abrams tanks from the United States, two months after it announced plans to buy 24 Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones. Two sources close to the deal told Polish news site that the ministry is negotiating the potential contract terms. …

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Algérie : « Le soutien de la France au gouvernement est aussi une forme d’ingérence »

Dans un entretien à JA, Laurence Rossignol, vice-présidente du Sénat regrette le silence des autorités françaises face à la répression en Algérie. «Monsieur le ministre, que pouvons-nous faire pour garantir [les libertés fondamentales] en Algérie ?». Le 26 mai dernier, la sénatrice française Laurence Rossignol a interpellé Jean-Yves Le Drian, …

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EU and Russia’s Fraught Relationship – A Timeline

Russia and Europe share strong historical and cultural ties from time immemorial. But these ties did not translate into amicable trade relations between the two. The Russian Federation and the European Union both came into existence in the early 1990’s. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the …

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Houthis unmoved so far by US diplomacy to end Yemen war

State Department spokesperson says Biden Administration ‘beyond fed up’ with Houthi attacks. Six months have gone by since the arrival of the US administration under President Joe Biden, which made ending the Yemen war a top priority. Upon his first weeks in office, Biden took critical decisions concerning Yemen in …

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Cairo cracks down on Salafist preachers

The Egyptian state and its institutions have been waging a fierce campaign against the preachers of Egypt’s Salafi movement over ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The Egyptian government and pro-state media have launched campaigns against well-known Salafi sheikhs. Meanwhile, a series of decisions banning them from preaching at mosques have …

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Turkey’s anti-PKK assault leaves Kurds more divided

Turkey’s unremitting assault against the PKK is destabilizing Iraqi Kurdistan, weakening the rebels on the one hand while bolstering support for them among disaffected locals on the other. On Nov. 16, 2013, Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan presided over a mass wedding in the Kurds’ informal capital, Diyarbakir, amid piercing …

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King Abdullah to be first Arab head of state to meet with Biden

King Abdullah will visit Washington for the first time in two years and is to meet with US President Joe Biden on July 19. US President Joe Biden will host Jordan’s King Abdullah II at the White House on July 19 as the king faces increasing domestic pressures at home. …

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