
Intel: Blinken urges allies to repatriate IS fighters from Syria

The Syrian Democratic Forces are holding an estimated 10,000 suspected Islamic State fighters, a situation Secretary of State Antony Blinken said is “untenable.” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on US allies Monday to take responsibility for their citizens suspected of joining the Islamic State and who remain in …

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The wild world of the Mossad in Sudan – analysis

Could normalization between Israel and Sudan endangered by internal Israeli rivalries? Is it possible that the coup of Israeli-Sudanese normalization could be endangered by internal Israeli rivalries?Earlier this week, Axios reported that senior Sudanese civilian officials were complaining to both Israeli and US government officials about uncoordinated side contacts between …

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Bennett expected to meet Biden at White House in coming weeks

Alternate prime minister Yair Lapid departed to UAE for first official visit since Abraham Accords * Bennett and Biden’s meeting to take place in coming weeks Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is expected to meet with US President Joe Biden at the White House in July or August, Bennett’s spokesman said …

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Поляки и прибалты разваливают Евросоюз: при чем тут Путин

На саммите Евросоюза в Брюсселе состоялась “самая острая дискуссия за последние несколько лет”. Двухчасовое обсуждение, “временами эмоциональное”, было посвящено — нет, не необходимости организовать в ближайшее время саммит с Путиным, который предложили провести Меркель и Макрон.Обсуждали действия “европейского Путина”, давно уже вызывающего у евроинтеграторов изжогу. “Ты пересек красную линию! Это …

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Το ευρω-ρωσικό ναυάγιο

Η γαλλογερμανική πρόταση για τη διεξαγωγή συνόδου κορυφής Ε.Ε.-Ρωσίας, θα μπορούσε να είναι ένα θετικό βήμα για την εκτόνωση της κρίσης στις ευρω-ρωσικές σχέσεις και τη βελτίωση αυτών. Η πρόταση των Μακρόν-Μέρκελ, την οποία υποστήριξε και ο Ιταλός πρωθυπουργός Μάριο Ντράγκι, ναυάγησε ωστόσο λόγω των αντιδράσεων των χωρών της Βαλτικής …

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Sadly China & Russia Remain Quiet Re US Past Genocides & Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East & Africa

The world facing desperate situations of climate change, planetary degradation and nuclear war preparation desperately needs protection from inhumane deceiving war promoting Western media, and from where shall it come if not from the bountiful and powerful two great designated adversaries of the Western powers, China, the world’s most populous …

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EU shelves Russia dialogue

A thoughtful, far-sighted proposal by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron calling for resumption of the European Union-Russia summit met sudden death at the EU’s summit in Brussels on June 25 Friday. A consensus was impossible to reach and the exchanges revealed a strong undercurrent of opposition …

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The Passing of the Present and the Decline of America

“I asked myself about the present: how wide it was, how deep it was, how much was mine to keep.”— Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five (1969) Kurt Vonnegut’s famous novel about the World War II bombing of the German city of Dresden appeared the year I graduated from West Point. While dimly …

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Egypt turns to Tanzania on Nile dam dispute

As the crisis over Ethiopia’s controversial dam on the Nile River worsens, Egypt considers expediting the construction of the Stiegler’s Gorge dam on the Rufiji River in Tanzania. Egypt is working to build the Stiegler’s Gorge dam on the Rufiji River in Tanzania, at a time when the Grand Ethiopian …

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With a New Chief, the WTO Aims for a Return to Relevance

The World Trade Organization made history last month when its members chose Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as director-general, the first woman and first African to hold that position. A former Nigerian finance minister and senior World Bank official, Okonjo-Iweala enjoyed near-unanimous support, but her candidacy had been stalled by opposition from the …

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