
L’islamo-gauchisme ou les liens de sang entre l’islamisme et le communisme

Le concept d’islamo-gauchisme provoque chez certains journalistes et commentateurs une défiance immédiate et des critiques virulentes. Le lien entre les deux idéologies-religions n’est pourtant pas nouveau, ils ont des racines communes. Les similitudes entre le communisme et l’islamisme en sont la preuve, dans le dogme et le mode de fonctionnement …

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CNRS: les preuves de l’infiltration islamo-gauchiste s’accumulent

Le prestigieux CNRS est-il une conquête de l’extrême-gauche? Depuis les propos fracassants de Frédérique Vidal, politiques, presse et scientifiques s’écharpent sur la question. Les Français, dans leur grande majorité et à juste titre, sont attachés à l’excellence de la recherche scientifique française. Attachement qui ne doit rien au hasard, tant …

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Biden sends B-52 heavy bomber over Persian Gulf in signal to Iran

In seventh mission into CENTCOM’s area of operation in the last four months Israeli Air Force F-15s accompany B-52 heavy bomber over Israel. In a clear signal to Iran, a United States Air Force B-52H “Stratofortress” bomber flew over the Persian Gulf, before the plane was spotted in Israeli airspace …

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Pakistan: Darkening Shades Of Grey – Analysis

In its Plenary held on February 22, 24, 25, 2021, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) decided to retain Pakistan in its listing of Jurisdictions under Increased Monitoring – the ‘grey list’ – along with 18 other countries. Pakistan has been on the ‘grey list’ since June 2018.

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Somalia Suicide Bomb Kills 20, Wounds 30

At least 20 people were killed and 30 wounded in a suicide bombing outside a restaurant near the port in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu late on Friday, emergency services said. Somalian police said a three-wheeler rickshaw, fitted to carry a load on the back, had been packed with explosives when it …

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India: Sticky Negotiations In Assam – Analysis

On February 23, 2021, a total of 1,040 militants surrendered before Assam Chief Minister (CM) Sarbananda Sonowal. Prominent among these were the ‘chairman’ of the People’s Democratic Council of Karbi Longri (PDCK), Ingti Kathar Songbijit; ‘chairman’ of the Karbi Longri NC Hills Liberation Front (KLNLF), P. Dilli; and ‘commander-in-chief’ of …

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Ethiopia: Eritrean Forces Massacre Tigray Civilians

Eritrean armed forces massacred scores of civilians, including children as young as 13, in the historic town of Axum in Ethiopia’s Tigray region in November 2020, Human Rights Watch said. The United Nations should urgently establish an independent inquiry into war crimes and possible crimes against humanity in the region …

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Élisabeth Lévy sur le verdict Sarkozy: « Cette affaire me donne sacrément envie de voter Sarko! »

Difficile d’échapper à l’information. Dans l’affaire des écoutes, en première instance, Nicolas Sarkozy a été condamné le 1er mars à trois ans de prison (dont un an ferme) pour corruption et trafic d’influence. Il a fait appel de cette décision. Pour la première fois, un ancien président est condamné à …

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Report: Ethnic cleansing being committed in Tigray

Ethiopian officials and militia fighters are carrying out a systematic ethnic cleansing operation in the state of Tigray, according to a confidential US government report, Anadolu Agency reports.

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