
Assad Sent Secret Message To Russia During Eastern Ghouta Battles

A leaked secret message reveals that Assad called for Russian military intervention during the 2013 battles of eastern Ghouta, Sowt Al-Asime reports. The Russian newspaper Zavtra wrote in an article it published on Saturday about a secret message that the head of the Syrian regime, Bashar al-Assad, sent to Russia …

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Turkey hires Washington lobbyists in bid for return to F-35 program

The Biden administration is giving Turkey the cold shoulder on the S-400 dispute. Turkey’s government has hired a law firm in Washington to lobby on its behalf as it seeks rapport with the Biden administration amid a continuing dispute over Ankara’s purchase of Russia’s S-400 air defense system. A defense …

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Turkey looks to Cyprus to consolidate EastMed gains

Even as Ankara and Athens reengage in exploratory talks over long-running maritime disputes, Turkey is pressing ahead in its campaign for a two-state solution on the island. Ankara is working with its allies in the breakaway Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to make a case for a two-state solution in …

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Russian General Meets With Sheikh Hikmat Al-Hijri in Suweida

Sheikh Hikmat al-Hijri has briefed a top Russian general about the situation in Suweida, according to Etihad Press. A high-ranking Russian general visited the village of Qanawat in Suweida and met with Sheikh Hikmat al-Hijri. The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the situation in the governorate …

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Militants Are Preparing Provocations With Poisonous Substances in Idlib, Russian Military Says

Previously, the Russian ambassador to the United Nations pointed out that while almost every month Syria provides information about terrorists planning chemical weapons provocations, such data is not reflected in the OPCW documentation. Militants in Syria are planning to stage a chemical attack to blame the country’s authorities, Rear Adm. …

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Thales to provide new-generation sonar suite for French Navy’s nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs)

Minister for the Armed Forces Florence Parly on Friday 19 February announced the launch of the full-scale development phase of the SNLE 3G programme to build France’s third-generation nuclear-powered ballistic-missile submarines (SSBNs). As part of the SNLE 3G programme, the French defence procurement agency (DGA) has signed an MoU with …

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Why Concepts of Earth Without Borders and One World Have A New and Wider Relevance Now

The beautiful phrase ‘Earth Without Borders’ has been used in more than one contexts from time to time. This is often used to convey the idea that those who work with a spirit of serving humanity should not be confined merely to serving their own country. This may be particularly …

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Ecocide is the destruction of large areas of the natural environment as a consequence of human activity. That destruction of “large areas” has grown so conspicuously large, so threatening to all species, including human existence, that a group of international legal experts is working to submit a draft of a …

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Al-Qa`ida’s Soon-To-Be Third Emir? A Profile of Saif al-`Adl

Abstract: With the confirmed deaths of Hamza bin Ladin and Abu Muhammad al-Masri, as well as the reported (but as yet unconfirmed) demise of al-Qaida’s second emir, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the likely next in line to inherit the leadership is an Egyptian who goes by the nom de guerre Saif al-Adl. …

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