
« Projet » jihadiste en Côte d’Ivoire et au Bénin : opération de communication ou coup de pression de la DGSE ?

À quelques jours du sommet des chefs d’État du G5 Sahel, le patron du renseignement français a affirmé, vidéo à l’appui, que les principaux chefs jihadistes du Sahel voulaient étendre leurs actions en Côte d’Ivoire et au Bénin. Opération de communication, tentative de déstabilisation de l’adversaire ou coup de pression …

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French boost to lift sanctions on Syria’s Assad

Around 95 Arab personalities and Christian clerics have petitioned French, American, German and British governments to lift the sanctions set against the Assad regime for having caused a humanitarian crisis in Syria, according to the petitioners; a message which Syrian analysts unanimously agree on the seriousness of its potential impact …

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How Turkey fits in regime-Kurdish showdown in Syria

The fragile ties between Damascus and the Kurdish-led autonomous administration in northern Syria have seen a dangerous escalation amid widespread anticipation that US support for the Syrian Kurds will grow after the change of guard at the White House. The two sides have sought to besiege one another in several …

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What US ending Saudi war support means for Yemen

President Joe Biden’s announcement that the U.S. will end its support of a Saudi-led coalition’s yearslong war against Yemen’s Houthi rebels likely will increase pressure on the kingdom to end its campaign there. However, reaching an enduring peace for the Arab world’s poorest country still remains in question.

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Russia Is Extending One Of The Runways At Its Syrian Airbase

Satellite imagery that The War Zone has obtained of Russia’s Khmeimim air base outpost in Syria shows work ongoing to extend one of its two main runways by around 1,000 feet. The extension would allow the base to support more regular deployments of larger and more heavily-laden aircraft, including heavy …

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Threat to NATO: Russian Kilo-class subs armed with Kalibr missiles

Russian Warsaw-type [Kilo-class – ed.] submarines will be armed with Kalibr cruise missiles and will be able to remain in service for a long time, maintaining their leadership position, learned citing expert’s opinion published in the Chinese edition of Sohu.

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Russia has sent a huge heavily armed convoy to Syria

Moscow sent a substantial military convoy of equipment and weapons systems of the Russian Federation to the area of ​​the Syrian city of Ayn Issa, some Russian agencies report, including Aviapro. According to sources in the Russian news agency, it is a convoy of at least 16 vehicles, including armored …

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