
Russia to price gas supplies to Ukraine at European levels

Russia will price its gas supplies to Ukraine in line with European levels at an average 280 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters in 2010, the Russian energy giant Gazprom announced on Wednesday. “The average price for next year will be about 280 dollars, which is in line with European …

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Hopes for help for Western Balkans to join the EU, but ‘will not be quick or simple’.

Enlarging the European Union to bring in further countries from South Eastern Europe will mean 100 million new EU citizens and will “not be a quick or simple process”, Carl Bildt, foreign minister of Sweden, told the European Parliament on November 25 2009.   Sweden currently holds the presidency of …

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Romanian left and liberals team up against Basescu

Socialists and Liberals have teamed up to oust Romania’s centre-right president in next month’s crucial run-off election vote. Social Democrat Mircea Geoana, who came second in the first round of Sunday’s presidential vote, has signed an agreement with the Liberal party, which came third.

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Zlatko Lagumdžija: Ne treba nam ovakav OHR

Bosni i Hercegovini ne treba ovakav OHR jer trenutno ne zna je li zadužen za mirovni sporazum ili za evropske integracije, kaže predsjednik Socijaldemokratske partije BiH (SDP) Zlatko Lagumdžija. “Nama treba izuzetno snažan evropski ured u BiH koji će nam reći šta jeste, a šta nije evropski standard na našem …

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Ahmetović ministar bezbjednosti

Predstavnički dom parlamenta BiH potvrdio je jučer odluku o imenovanju Sadika Ahmetovića na mjesto ministra sigurnosti i zamjenika predsjedavajućeg Vijeća ministara BiH. Predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić Ahmetovića je imenovao protekle sedmice, a jučerašnjom potvrdom njegove odluke, nakon četiri mjeseca, okončana je procedura popune funkcije ministra sigurnosti.

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