
Final Verdicts for Djindjic Assassination

Serbian paramilitary commanders, Milorad Ulemek and Zvezdan Jovanovic have each been sentenced to 40-years in prison for assassinating the country’s Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic, after the Supreme Court rejected all of the defense’s appeals. Ulemek is sentenced to 40 years in jail for joining a criminal enterprise and for unconstitutional …

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Bosnian Leaders Ponder New Western Proposal

Bosnian leaders are pondering a revised package of constitutional changes offered to them by European Union and US negotiators, in their latest attempt to help end country’s political deadlock. The Western negotiating team met Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) and Croat leaders in Sarajevo on Tuesday, and is meeting Bosnian Serb officials …

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EU Parliament Confirms Enlargement Commitment

Reaffirming its commitment to enlargement, the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee has called for the immediate implementation of an interim trade agreement between Serbia and the EU. “The (EU) Council should ratify the Interim Agreement without delay,” says a draft resolution of the Foreign Affairs Committee, citing the fact that …

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‘Grand coalition’ bids to oust Romania’s Basescu

The Socialists and the Liberals, who finished behind ruling President Traian Basescu after the first round of presidential elections on Sunday, agreed to form a coalition yesterday (23 November) with the aim of outperforming the incumbent in the 6 December run-off. Crin Antonescu, leader of the liberal PNL party which …

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Oprečne izjave Incka i Špirića o stanju u BiH

Uporne opstrukcije koje dolaze od nekih političara iz reda srpskog naroda doprinijele su odgađanju provedbe ključnih reformi, naveo je Valentin Incko, visoki predstavnik, u izvještaju o stanju u BiH koji je jučer podnio Vijeću sigurnosti UN-a. Predsjedavajući Vijeća ministara BiH Nikola Špirić u svom obraćanju kazao je kako RS može …

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Marian Lupu: President will be elected between December 7 and 10

At this week’s sittings, on Thursday or on Friday, the Parliament will set the date of the rerun presidential elections. “Most probably, the second round of voting will be held between December 7 and 10,” Marian Lupu, the leader of the Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), who is the Alliance …

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Gagauzia wants to be a republic

The participants in a conference dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Gagauzia autonomy called upon the Parliament of Moldova to change the autonomy’s current name “Gagauz Yeri administrative-territorial unit” into a new name – “Republic of Gagauz Yeri”.

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