
Early elections battle kicks off in Greece

GREECE The signing of president’s decree officially kicked off the early elections campaign in Greece. The two biggest political parties started their elections battle. Leaders of the New Democracy and PASOK – Kostas Karamanlis and George Papandreou, respectively, agreed to organize TV debates in parallel to the elections campaigns, inviting …

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Macedonia marks Independence Day

MACEDONIA On Tuesday, September 8, Macedonia marks its Independence Day, local media report. It is a holiday in the country and all workers have an off-day. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy announced that September 8 is declared off-day in line with country’s holiday act.

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Report on EU bid reaffirms Turkey’s reform will: state minister

TURKEY A recent report by former senior leaders in Europe that urged European Union (EU) to accelerate Turkey’s accession talks has reaffirmed the Turkish government’s determination to carry out reforms, a Turkish state minister told the semi-official Anatolia news agency Monday, Xinhua informed. State Minister Egemen Bagis, who is also …

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Bosnian Serb Party Rebuffs Alleged Foreign Meddling

BiH The ruling political party in the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska has rebuffed what it claims is the international community’s political plotting and meddling. “Certain circles from the international community are trying to gather and activate certain groups that work on the destabilisation of Republika Srpska,” said Milorad …

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War Criminal Transferred to UK Prison

BiH Momcilo Krajisnik, one of the highest ranking war-time members of the Bosnian Serb leadership, was transferred yesterday to the UK to serve his 20-year sentence for crimes committed against non-Serb civilians during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Krajisnik was sentenced on 17 March 2009 by the Appellate Chamber …

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Kosovo Called on to Protect Roma

KOSOVO Human Rights Watch, HRW, and Amnesty International have called on Kosovo and international authorities to stop a wave of attacks and incidents of harassment targeting the Roma community. In the town of Gjilan/Gnjilane, four Roma were physically assaulted and injured in separate incidents in mid-August, HRW said.

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Former Bulgarian Minister Charged

BULGARIA Former agriculture minister Valeri Tsvetanov has been officially charged with corruption offenses related to his time in office, it emerged Tuesday, hours after he was called for interrogation at the National Investigation Service. Tsvetanov and Stefan Yurukov, the former head of the forestry agency, allegedly made illegal land swaps, …

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Kosovo Activists Vandalise EULEX Wall

KOSOVO Kosovo self-determination movement Vetevendosje repainted its “EULEX made in Serbia” slogan on the wall in front of the EU rule of law mission, EULEX, headquarters on Monday, after the mission painted over the previous graffiti. The hardline nationalist movement says this act expresses their revulsion for EULEX.

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Albanian Opposition Boycotts Parliament

ALBANIA Albania’s opposition Socialist Party boycotted the first session of parliament on Monday, and says its will maintain its absence unless its demands are met. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, the head of the party, Tirana mayor Edi Rama, warned that the Socialists would have a conditional relationship with the …

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OSCE, Serbian police to continue strategic partnership

SERBIA The revised agreement on continuation of the strategic partnership was signed in by Interior Minister Ivica Dačić and head of OSCE in Serbia Hans Ola Urstad. The altered memorandum of understanding envisages the provision of expert help and advice in the area of responsibility of police work, fight against …

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