
Mogućnost kažnjavanja političara ostaje

BiH Budući specijalni predstavnik EU u BiH, koji će naslijediti visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice, moći će sankcionirati domaće dužnosnike, potvrdili su u Uredu visokog predstavnika, a i sam visoki predstavnik Valentin Incko u intervju za austrijske medije. “Budući specijalni predstavnik EU za BiH imat će sve potrebne instrumente koji će …

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Topićeva na čelu DEI od 1. septembra

BiH Agencija za državnu službu BiH imenovala je Lidiju Topić za direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH (DEI), koja će na dužnost stupiti 1. septembra ove godine. “Vijeće ministara BiH nije postiglo saglasnost o imenovanju direktora Direkcije za evropske integracije BiH u zakonskom roku od 30 dana od okončanja konkursa. …

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AEI leaders say they are ready for dialogue with PCRM

MOLDOVA The leaders of the Alliance for European Integration (AEI) had a meeting on Monday evening and discussed the principles of the dialogue with the Communist Party (PCRM) scheduled for August 25. But this dialogue may not take place. “We agreed on the procedure that we will follow at the …

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PCRM might vote for Marian Lupu if he is proposed for head of state by wide left-wing coalition

MOLDOVA The Communists Party formulated its offer for the formation of a left-wing coalition and the principles according to which they could vote for a head of state at a closed-door meeting on Monday. The Communists decided they will vote for the PLDM Marian Lupu if he is fielded for …

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The Kremlin ready to write off Valdimir Voronin – Kommersant

RUSSIA, MOLDOVA The Kremlin stands ready to write off the Moldovan Communist Party leader, presumes the influential Kommersant newspaper of Moscow. In its article about the last Friday’s meeting of the Presidents of Russia and Moldova in Sochi (Russia), Kommersant drew attention to the fact that after that conversation President …

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Repeat voting at two Kosovo polling stations

SERBIA Voting in the local parliamentary elections for the municipalities of Priština and Peć was repeated at two polling stations on Sunday. Coordinator of the Election Commission (RIK) Veljko Odalović told Tanjug news agency that both stations closed last night without any noticeable irregularities. Some 80 percent of the resident …

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“Kosovo independence irreversible”

KOSOVO Newly-appointed U.S. Ambassador in Priština Christopher Dell says his country’s policy towards Kosovo “remains unchanged”. According to the diplomat, “Kosovo’s independence is irreversible”. Upon presenting Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdui with his credentials, Dell pointed out that the basis of the American policy towards Kosovo is “simple and unambiguous”. 

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Significant military cooperation with U.S.

SERBIA Defense Minister Dragan Šutanovac said that cooperation between Serbian military officials and the Ohio National Guard is important. After visiting an elementary school near Soko Banja, which Serbian military members and members of the Ohio National Guard are working to help reconstruct, Šutanovac said that they had been cooperating …

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Podgorica “welcomes talks on NAM summit”

MONTENEGRO Montenegrin FM Milan Roćen has welcomed the initiative of his Serbian counterpart for a meeting of the foreign ministers of all former Yugoslav countries. They would discuss prospects for Serbia to host the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) summit in 2011, on the 50th anniversary of the organization.

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Knežević claims to have proof

MONTENEGRO Former chief of the Montenegrin trade mission in Washington, Ratko Knežević, said that he can prove his allegations regarding cigarette smuggling activities. “My publicly stated claims in the media will once again be confirmed officials, and the material evidence which I have will be submitted,” Knežević said regarding the …

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