
Ukraine aide says Medvedev charge aimed at nation

KIEV, Ukraine Accusations made by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that Kiev carries out anti-Russian policies were aimed at Ukraine and not just President Viktor Yushchenko, his senior aide said on Wednesday. Medvedev on Tuesday warned energy security in the region was at risk due to Yushchenko’s policies toward Russia, in …

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Government Says Ohrid Accord Is Alive

MACEDONIA Opposition claims that the 2001 Ohrid Peace Accord is a dead letter are unfounded, Macedonia’s Deputy Prime Minister Abdilakim Ademi says. The pact ended that year’s short-lived ethnic Albanian insurgency, promising the country’s largest minority official recognition of its language and culture and positive discrimination in state employment.

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Liderul PLDM, Vlad Filat, a avut o întrevedere cu ex-premierul Ion Sturza

MOLDOVA Vlad Filat, liderul Partidului Liberal Democrat din Moldova (PLDM), a avut marţi o întrevedere cu ex-premierul Ion Sturza. Cei doi au luat masa împreună la un restaurant din Chişinău. Acum cîteva zile, fiind solicitat de presă să spună dacă Ion Sturza ar putea fi candidatul coaliţiei de guvernare la …

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În caz de recunoaştere a alegerilor, prima şedinţă a Parlamentului trebuie să fie convocată până la 29 august

Curtea Constituţională (CC) va examina raportul Comisiei Electorale Centrale (CEC) cu privire la rezultatele alegerilor parlamentare anticipate din 29 iulie într-o şedinţă plenară vineri, 14 august. În caz de recunoaştere a alegerilor şi validare a mandatelor de deputat, preşedintele R. Moldova va trebui să convoace Parlamentul de legislatura a XVIII …

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Grigorii Petrenco: Problema relaţiilor cu România este negarea identităţii moldoveneşti

MOLDOVA “Principala problemă a relaţiilor dintre Chişinău şi Bucureşti o constituie faptul că România nu crea să recunoască identotatea moldovenească”, a declarat deputatul pe listele PCRM, Grigore Ptrenco, într-un interviu pentru ziarul “Puls”, organul de presă al comsomolului.

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All Chisinau children of preschool age have places at kindergarten, Education Division officials

MOLDOVA In the kindergartens that are in demand, the groups are composed of 35-40 children, while in the other kindergartens – of 20-25 children. All Chisinau children of preschool age have places at kindergarten, Education Division officials Chisinau (IPN) The fear that their children will remain out of kindergarten makes …

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The ruling coalition stakes on support of external creditors

MOLDOVA Representatives of the four parties expressed their concern with the orders given by the Communist leaders to the Government to spend all the money, which remains in the budget, as soon as possible. The new coalition stakes on support on the part of external creditors, the leaders of the …

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Vasile Tarlev designates person, who will agree to occupy premier’s post, as kamikadze

MOLDOVA He motivated his words by the fact that under the present conditions of the economic crisis in Moldova the future Premier will have to work hard. Ex-Premier of Moldova, Chairman of the Centrist Union of Moldova (CUM) Vasile Tarlev considers that the person, who will agree to occupy the …

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Armenian community of Georgia faces problem of education in native language

The Armenian Diaspora of Georgia faces considerable problems, said Stepan Petrosyan , RA Deputy Minister of Diaspora today to a question of a representative of the Armenian community of Georgia, at the opening ceremony of the 7-th annual All-Armenian Youth Conference in the Armenian resort town of Tsaghkadzor. 

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Romania to cut budget costs by $1.9 bln in IMF deal

BUCHAREST, Romania Romania will curb spending by 5.5 billion lei ($1.9 billion) this year, in part through cuts in public pay, to meet its new budget deficit goal agreed with the IMF, Finance Minister Gheorghe Pogea said on Tuesday. Although the International Monetary Fund has allowed Bucharest to raise the …

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