
Macedonia: PM’s EU Commitment Questioned

Macedonia’s State Secretary for European Integration, Pero Dimsovski, has appeared to criticise his own government for its alleged lack of commitment to bringing the country closer to the European Union. In an interview on Monday for Radio Free Europe, commenting on last week’s unexpected resignation of Deputy Prime Minister in …

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Kosovo’s Capital Joins EUROCITIES

Kosovo’s capital Pristina has made an associate member of the EUROCITIES network, authorities announced on Monday. Pristina Mayor Isa Mustafa accepted the invitation from Brussels to join, as an associate member, the EUROCITIES grouping, according to a local government press release.

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Opening of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture in Belgrade

The official opening of the department of the Hellenic Foundation for Culture (E.I.P.) will be held in Belgrade on Friday the 3rd of July, the President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias and the President of Serbia, Boris Tadic. The President of E.I.P, Professor George Babiniotis, gave a press conference …

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Dvoličnost lidera SDA

Predsjednik SDA Sulejman Tihić nakon pobjede na posljednjem stranačkom kongresu pokazuje svoje pravo lice. Tačnije, dvoličnost. Prije kongresa je igrao na kartu kompromisa, dogovora i dijaloga. Radio je to kako bi priskrbio podršku međunarodne zajednice u nastojanju da ostane na čelu najveće bošnjačke stranke. Uspio je u svojoj nakani. Danas …

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Vlada dala koncesiju prije usvajanja zakona

GORAŽDE – Vlada Bosanskopodrinjskog kantona Goražde u mandatu premijera Salka Obhođaša, aktuelnog ministra prostornog uređenja i okoliša Federacije BiH, dala je 2003. godine lovište “Vražalice” na koncesiju od 30 godina. Emir Frašto, poslanik u Skupštini ovog kantona, tvrdi da to nije moglo biti urađeno jer je Zakon o lovstvu donosen …

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Djevojčica oboljela od novog gripa

SARAJEVO, MOSTAR – Ministarstvo zdravstva FBiH potvrdilo je jučer da je 13-godišnja djevojčica koja je primljena u Sveučilišnu kliničku bolnicu Mostar oboljela od nove gripe tipa A (H1N1), što je drugi slučaj pojave ove gripe u BiH. “Laboratorijski nalazi pokazali su da je djevojčica koja je primljena u mostarski Klinički …

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Albania-Kosovo Highway Tunnel Closed

The Albanian Transportation Ministry has announced the temporary closure of the Thirre tunnel in the Rreshen-Kalimash road, one of the key segments of the Albania-Kosovo highway. The 5.6-kilometre tunnel will be closed from Monday till Thursday, with crews continuing construction work, which cannot be carried out with traffic passing through. …

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EU reportedly to restrict Serb visas

PRISTINA, Kosovo The European Commission (EC) has decided that visa liberalisation should apply only to citizens with exact addresses within Serbian territory, and “not … citizens living on Kosovo’s territory”, according to local media reports Monday (July 6th).

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Albania’s SMI to meet on future coalition

TIRANA, Albania The opposition Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI) announced Sunday (July 5th) that it will hold an extraordinary national convention Tuesday to secure party support for a future coalition government with Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s Democratic Party (DP).

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