
Serbia Pulled Off EU Summit Agenda

Talks surrounding Serbia’s European future were withdrawn at the last minute from this week’s EU Summit agenda in Brussels. Jose Manuel Barroso, European Commission President had no comments or information for journalists about the talks and if Serbia had made it on the agenda. Other topics at the press conference …

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Summit of Leaders Under Way in Novi Sad

Fourteen presidents are taking part in a summit of Central and South-East European heads of state in Novi Sad to discuss issues integral to the region. Today’s plenary session will tackle the economy, energy and European integration. Serbian bilateral meetings are taking place as President Boris Tadic met last night …

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UN to Solve Serbian Refugee Crisis

The UNHCR has identified Serbia as one of the top five countries with a recurring refugee crisis. At a UNHCR meeting held in Vienna today, Serbia’s UNHCR representative Lennart Kotsalainen stated that fourteen years after the war in the Balkans, “a great number of refugees still live in Serbia, which …

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Albania Invites Macedonia and Kosovo

Albania’s President Bamir Topi has invited the presidents of neighboring Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro to visit his country next week. Topi is to host Macedonian President Georgi Ivanov, Kosovo’s Fatmir Sejdiu and Montenegro’s Filip Vujanovic in the town of Vlora. They are expected to discuss regional issues, according to Macedonia’s …

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Slovenia, Croatia Talks Break Down

Talks aimed at settling a border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia broke down on Thursday, raising doubts over Croatia’s bid to complete its EU accession talks by the year’s end. EU-member Slovenia has blocked progress in Zagreb’s accession talks due to a land and sea border dispute dating to the …

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Smanjenjem plata i toplog obroka do ušteda

AutHor: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Vijeće ministara BiH utvrdilo je jučer Prijedlog izmjena Zakona o plaćama, kojim se osnovica za obračun plaće smanjuje sa sadašnjih 535 KM na 498. Izmjenama će plaće biti snižene u rasponu od 40 do 400 KM, usvojenim prijedlogom se i naknade za topli obrok smanjuju, …

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Stranka za BiH jedina protiv rekonstrukcije

AutHor: Mirza Čubro, Davud Muminović SARAJEVO – Stranka za BiH protivi se rekonstrukciji Vlade FBiH kroz smjenu nekoliko federalnih ministara, izjavio je Beriz Belkić, potpredsjednik Stranke za BiH. Odluku o imenovanju novog premijera i ministara potpisuju predsjednik i potpredsjednici Federacije BiH, a zbog protivljenja Stranke za BiH, Spomenka Mičić, potpredsjednica …

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EU, Croatia and Slovenia launch new round of talks on border dispute

BRUSSELS, Belgium A new round of talks including Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Jandrokovic, his Slovenian counterpart Samuel Zbogar and EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn will be held on Wednesday (June 17th) in Brussels in a last-ditch effort to find a solution to the border dispute that is blocking Croatia’s EU …

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Turkey wants to press for full EU membership

BERLIN, Germany Turkey is not ready to make any concessions in its EU membership negotiations, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Tuesday (June 16th), after talks with his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin.

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Cyprus protests Turkish military exercise

NICOSIA, Cyprus The Cypriot government has asked the UN and EU to halt a military exercise in the northeastern, Turkish part of the island, government spokesman Stephanos Stephanou said Tuesday (June 16th).

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