
Hayaller doğal gaz dağıtım merkezi olma, hayatlar borç erteleme talebi

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan geçtiğimiz hafta Asya’da İşbirliği ve Güven Artırıcı Önlemler Konferansı’nın (CICA) 6’ıncı zirvesi dolayısıyla Kazakistan’ın başkenti Astana’ya gitti. Burada Erdoğan’ın Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ile yaptığı bir buçuk saatlik görüşme ve Putin’den gelen açıklamalar hem ulusal hem de uluslararası medyada üst sırada yer aldı. Putin, yaptığı …

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AK Parti’ye seçimi ‘dış güçler’ mi kazandıracak?

DEVA Partisi Lideri Ali Babacan Erzurum mitingini Bartın’daki maden faciası nedeniyle iptal etse de kendisine eşlik eden gazetecilere röportaj vermiş. Putin’in Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’a özel olarak teşekkür etmesi ve Türkiye’yi enerji üssü yapma teklifi de konuşulmuş belli ki ama biraz farklı bir açıdan konuşulmuş. Rusya’nın ABD’deki seçimlere müdahale ettiğine ilişkin iddialar …

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Inflation protests across Europe threaten political turmoil

In Romania, protesters blew horns and banged drums to voice their dismay over the rising cost of living. People across France took to the streets to demand pay increases that keep pace with inflation. Czech demonstrators rallied against government handling of the energy crisis. British railway staff and German pilots …

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Iran sanctions BBC Persian

The Islamic Republic has been lashing out at London-based Iranian news outlets for their coverage of the anti-government protests in Iran. The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced sanctions yesterday against Persian-language media outlets in the United Kingdom. The list included BBC Persian as well as Iran International and its …

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Syrian government retaliates for killing of soldiers by Islamic State

The Syrian government and Russia accused the Islamic State of blowing up a troop bus of the Syrian army’s Fourth Division in its main headquarters near Damascus. At least 18 Syrian soldiers were killed in an IED explosion targeting a military bus in the suburb of al-Saboura in the countryside …

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The Sources of Russian Misconduct

A Diplomat Defects From the Kremlin For three years, my workdays began the same way. At 7:30 a.m., I woke up, checked the news, and drove to work at the Russian mission to the United Nations Office in Geneva. The routine was easy and predictable, two of the hallmarks of …

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Is Xi Jinping China’s new Mao Zedong?

With Xi casting himself as a 21st-century Mao, China risks ‘arbitrary rule’. Vastness is a defining feature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It has more than 96 million members, and the party’s official list of heroes and martyrs counts two million names of those remembered for their storied lives …

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High stakes gamble: Putin’s tactical nuclear options

With Russia’s reputation as a great military power in tatters, could President Vladimir Putin resort to nuclear weapons? Since February’s invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces have suffered setback after setback on the battlefield, leaving President Vladimir Putin fewer choices if Russia wants to extract itself from what increasingly looks like …

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Xi’s Rhetoric On Taiwan At Party Congress Must Worry The World – Analysis

President Xi Jinping kicked off the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) National Congress, which charts its policy trajectory for the next five years and finalises its future leadership, with an address to the Party faithful for nearly 1 hour and 45 minutes. This year, the CCP’s leadership conclave comes amidst a …

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