
What’s Congress’ role in holding Putin accountable? US senators discuss their next moves.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin launches a new phase in his war in Ukraine, attempting to mobilize three hundred thousand more troops and issuing new nuclear threats, Washington faces pivotal choices as well. At an Atlantic Council Front Page event on Monday, following reports of the Biden administration’s back-channel warnings …

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ECB chief Christine Lagarde: ‘Our primary objective is price stability’

Faced with a crisis that’s sending eurozone inflation to record highs, European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde struck a decisive tone Wednesday during the Atlantic Council and Atlantik-Brücke’s Frankfurt Forum on US-European GeoEconomics—pledging to bring prices under control through consistent and deliberate policy. “We will do what we have …

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Which Giorgia Meloni will Washington get?

Long a controversial figure both at home and abroad over her party’s direct lineage from Italy’s neo-fascist movement, Giorgia Meloni is now expected to become the country’s newest prime minister after her party secured the most votes in Sunday’s election. Her controversial views on migration, erstwhile fascination with Russian President …

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Russia’s military isn’t ready for an escalation. Ukraine and its partners can exploit that.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Russian reserves this month will almost certainly exacerbate internal divisions within Russia by highlighting his regime’s poor military-personnel policies. This should prompt Ukraine and its Western allies to prepare for an onslaught of poorly trained, disjointed troops. Unlike the …

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Iran’s Crisis of Legitimacy

An Embattled Regime Faces Mass Protests—and an Ailing Supreme Leader Early this month, the Iranian rumor mill cranked into overdrive amid reports that Iran’s 83-year-old supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who survived prostate cancer surgery in 2014, was again gravely ill. On September 16, the New York Times reported that …

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Kaasuputkien räjäytykset osoittavat, ettei Itämeri ole turvassa sodan vaikutuksilta

Venäjän Ukrainassa aloittama hyökkäyssota saavutti alkuviikosta uuden ulottuvuuden, kun Itämeren pohjassa kulkevat kaasuputket alkoivat yksi toisensa perään vuotaa. Nopeasti kävi ilmi, että vuodon syynä olivat räjähdykset. Ja välittömästi asiantuntijat olivat vakuuttuneita siitä, että räjähdykset oli aiheutettu tahallisesti. Kyseessä oli siis sabotaasi. Vuodot tapahtuivat Tanskan ja Ruotsin talousalueella, ja sikäläiset viranomaiset …

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Jędrzej Bielecki: Desperacja Putina

Zapewne to Kreml stoi za sabotażem Nord Stream 1 i 2. Czy jeśli jednak nie spowoduje drastycznej zwyżki cen gazu, która odwiedzie Zachód od wspierania Ukrainy, Moskwie pozostanie tylko sięgnięcie po broń jądrową? I czas, i miejsce nie są przypadkowe. Władimir Putin zaliczył w ostatnich tygodniach tak wiele porażek na …

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Iraq Could Host New Round Of Iran-Saudi Talks

Highlighting Iraq’s efforts to mediate between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the Iraqi foreign minister said Baghdad is ready to host a fresh round of negotiations between Tehran and Riyadh. In a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian in New York on Saturday, Fuad Hussein pointed to the positive trend …

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Italy: Elections Catapult National Conservatives Into Big League At EU Leaders’ Table

The Sunday general elections that saw a right-wing alliance led by far-right candidate Giorgia Meloni win a resounding majority in both upper and lower houses of the Italian legislative will likely see her national conservative European political family becoming the third-largest bloc in European Council by population. The win in …

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