
Northern Syria: Turkish Shelling Kills 2, Injures 8, Russian Airstrikes Injure Others

Two people were killed and eight were wounded on Tuesday by Turkish artillery targeting homes and workshops controlled by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the countryside of Syria’s northern province of Hasakah, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency reported. SDF retaliated by shelling villages controlled by Turkish troops …

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Tehran strikes Kurdish opponents in Iraq as protests over Mahsa Amini’s death convulse Iran

Iran ramps up its bombing campaign in northern Iraq in what Iraqi Kurds argue is an attempt to divert the world’s attention from the killing of Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini. Iran unleashed a wave of missiles and drones on the headquarters of three separate Iranian Kurdish opposition groups based in …

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İtalya’da erken genel seçimlerin ilk sonucu şaşırtıcı değil. Faşist lider Mussolini’nin ardılı olarak kabul edilen İtalya’nın Kardeşleri Partisi (Fdl) lideri Meloni oyların yüzde 26’sını aldı. İçinde bulunduğu aşırı sağ ittifak yüzde 44 civarında oy aldı, hükümeti çok büyük olasılıkla bu yelpaze kuracak. Fdl 2018’de aldığı yüzde 4.4 oyu, altı kat …

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O cenário nuclear!

A tentação nuclear estará nas mãos de Putin dentro de poucos dias, e não faltam chefes de Estado e de Governo europeus que já «normalizaram», nas suas cabeças, que esse confronto poderá ser inevitável A partir de agora, com os «referendos» terminados, e depois com a aprovação pela Duma, da …

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«Ce n’est pas du bluff»

Géniale, cette phrase, non? Un étudiant de première année en psychanalyse devrait en faire sa thèse: celui qui dit que ce n’est pas du bluff, bluffe. Je ne dis pas que Vladimir Vladimirovitch ne va pas déclencher le feu nucléaire. Je suis même persuadé qu’il pourrait le faire, peut-être directement …

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Europe’s Unsolved Energy Puzzle

How the Quest for Resources Has Shaped the Continent Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine has laid bare some uncomfortable truths about Europe’s energy future. For one thing, it has demolished the presumption in Germany that Russia would be a reliable fossil fuel partner. The war has also blown …

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What Mobilization Means for Russia

The End of Putin’s Bargain With the People Last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “partial mobilization” intended to shore up his faltering war against Ukraine. The pretense that there is anything partial about this move, however, is about as convincing as Putin’s claim that Russia is merely carrying …

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Introducing Giorgia Meloni: How the US Opened the Door for Fascism’s Return to Italy

The Italian Parliamentary election has concluded and the neofascist, Giorgia Meloni, is ready to emerge as the new prime minister of a divided country with no clear mandate from around 60 percent of eligible voters, in one of the lower voter turnouts in history. The choices were quite grim and …

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Israel’s ‘Peace Partner’ Is Slaughtering Israelis

These two bodies [Palestinian Authority (PA) and its ruling faction, Fatah] are headed by one man: Mahmoud Abbas, who has zero compunction about his loyalists murdering and wounding Israelis. On the contrary, he encourages it and pays generously for it — with money from Europe and the United States. Despite …

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Lebanese prime minister praises US mediation toward gas deal with Israel

In an interview with Al-Monitor, Najib Mikati also says Lebanon should sign IMF agreement ‘as soon as possible.’ US mediation has helped moved Lebanon and Israel closer to a gas deal, says Lebanon’s prime minister, Najib Mitaki, but “there are still details to be clarified.” “So far I can say …

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