
Asylum, Migration And US Foreign Policy – OpEd

Every day the Republican governors of Texas, Greg Abbott, and Florida, Ron DeSantis, eagerly announce that they are sending people generically labeled as migrants to what are known as sanctuary cities. The corporate media report that thousands of people have been convinced to board buses to New York City or …

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Neue türkische Freunde: Erdogan will sein Drohpotenzial gegenüber dem Westen vergrößern

Neue Reibereien der der Türkei mit den USA und Europa sind absehbar. Doch die Allianz mit Xi und Putin ist vorerst keine realistische Alternative. Ein Kommentar. Während des Gipfels der Schanghai-Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SCO) vorige Woche in Usbekistan erschien in türkischen Medien ein Foto von einer vergnügten Männerrunde. Präsident Recep …

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Türkiye, Şanghay İşbirliği Örgütü’nün neresinde?

“ŞİÖ üyelerini bir araya getiren ortak payda nedir?” diye soracak olursanız insanın aklına çoğunun nükleer silahlara sahip olmaları ve demokrasiden pek haz etmemelerinden başka bir şey gelmiyor. Dünya’nın en iyi aşçısını getirseniz bu malzemeden bir helva yapamaz… Şanghay İşbirliği Örgütü’nün (ŞİÖ) 26.Dönem Toplantısı,15-16 Eylül tarihlerinde Özbekistan’ın tarihi şehri Semerkant’ta yapıldı. …

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Bracia Włosi: to oni będą wkrótce rządzić w Rzymie

Choć należą do rodziny prawicowych populistów, których Moskwa próbuje hołubić, są – jeśli wierzyć deklaracjom Amerykanów – agenturalnie czyści. To oni będą wkrótce rządzić w Rzymie. Z Putinem czy z Europą – twój wybór”: pierwszy człon tego wyboru, czyli nazwisko rosyjskiego prezydenta, wydrukowano na czarnym tle. Drugi, opcja europejska, na …

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‘Europe Should Be Grateful to Erdoğan’

Erdoğan is bringing NATO member Turkey more and more into Russia’s orbit. Turkey is once again blackmailing the U.S. that “it would further deepen its defense cooperation with Russia if Congress blocks its request to buy 40 F-16 Block 70 fighter jets from the U.S.” “Europe Should Be Grateful to …

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What Russia’s Elites Think of Putin Now

The president successfully preserved the status quo for two decades. Suddenly, he’s turned into a destroyer. Ukraine’s successful counterattack means that for the first time ever in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s 22 years in power, he has to deal with elites who disagree with him—on strategic decisions over Russia’s war …

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What Do Americans Care About? Not a Cold War With Russia and China

The Biden administration will soon release its National Security Strategy, which is being revised in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The document will no doubt trigger a renewed debate about how the United States should gear up for a new Cold War against Russia and China. But before …

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Ukraine War: Still a Cuban Missile Crisis in Slow Motion

Russia’s use of tactical nuclear weapons could trigger a cataclysmic nuclear exchange. Thousands of demonstrators join Fridays for Future’s global day of action to stand with Ukraine by walking down Willy-Brandt-Strasse, a main thoroughfare in Hamburg, Germany. During the first days of the Ukraine war, former Senator Sam Nunn warned …

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ISIS is threat to entire human race, Iraqi foreign minister says in exclusive interview

CENTCOM’s Gen. Kurilla warned the al-Hol camp was a ‘breeding ground’ for future ISIS members EXCLUSIVE: The Iraqi foreign minister urged Western countries to continue chasing the remnants of ISIS until the organization is completely eliminated because it presents a threat to humanity. “We must take it seriously because, when …

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The Rise of the Rest: How Russia Views the Future World Order

Geopolitical forecasting is an imperfect art. Throughout the Cold War, the Soviets confidently asserted to the end that the forces of socialism would prevail over the decadent and corrupt capitalist model. The “correlation of forces” (PDF) always seemed to be turning their way, until it wasn’t. For their part, American …

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