
Renewing U.S. Security Policy in the Middle East

This report offers a new framing of U.S. national security interests in the Middle East in light of changed political, security, and economic contexts. The authors argue for a new approach to managing U.S. security interests in the region that avoids the pattern of recurring reactive military engagements that have …

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The Russia – Ukraine crisis: the Global South perspective

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has seriously affected Europe. In August 2022, annual inflation in the EU exceeded 10%[1]. Political leaders are looking for solutions to the looming energy crisis[2]. However, the consequences of events in Ukraine affect other parts of the world too. African countries depend heavily on …

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‘Leading from Behind’: Is Washington at War with Moscow?

Though Washington insists that it is not interested in a direct military conflict with Moscow, the latter claims that the US is, in fact, directly involved. But who is telling the truth? On September 8, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, appeared in Kyiv on an unannounced visit. He carried …

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US-NATO escalation in Ukraine risks nuclear war

A staggering recklessness has overtaken the American ruling class. It is treating the prospect of nuclear war, which would mean the deaths of millions and the potential annihilation of life on the planet, as a real possibility that must not be allowed to deter its geopolitical objectives in waging war …

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US Military Base in Northeast Syria Comes Under Attack

US troops on a base in northeast Syria came under attack. The rocket attack on Sunday failed to strike US or coalition forces or equipment, according to the US Central Command. Three 107mm rockets targeted the Green Village base, CENTCOM said in a statement. A fourth rocket along with rocket …

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Time to Get Tough on the Taliban

Pressure, Not Engagement, Is the Best Way to Help Afghans One year after the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan, it is clear that the extremist group has changed little since it first seized control of the country in 1996. In March 2022, the Taliban decided not to reopen girls’ …

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Iran cracks down on protesters after death of woman arrested over hijab

Mahsa Amini’s death ignited a wave of protests against the government. Iranian security forces opened fire on Saturday on a crowd of protesters mourning the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini following her arrest by the “guidance patrol,” a police unit in charge of enforcing mandatory hijab rules. According to Hengaw, …

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Are Iranian products banned into Syrian opposition-held areas?

The Syrian Islamic Council close to the Syrian opposition issued a fatwa prohibiting the entry of Iranian goods into opposition areas, claiming Hayat Tahrir al-Sham is allowing the spread of the goods in its areas in northwest Syria. The Syrian Islamic Council issued Aug. 30 a fatwa on trading in …

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Iran-linked militias claim arrest linked to threats to disrupt religious holiday

Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units have conducted numerous arrests of alleged ‘Bathists’ in recent days that raise questions about the legitimacy of the arrests and the political reasons behind them. As intra-Shiite conflict simmers in Iraq, arrests and questions about them threaten to derail attempts to restore calm after some of …

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Iran to join Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Iran took a step toward joining in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization at a summit in Uzbekistan this week. Iran is getting closer to joining China and Russia in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Reuters reported Thursday that at a summit in Uzbekistan this week, Iran signed a memorandum of obligations to …

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