
U Srbiji to nitko ne smije javno izgovoriti, ali Vučić je de facto priznao Kosovo

Kad bismo u jednoj rečenici trebali sažeti što je sve napravio u istom danu, ona bi glasila ovako: Prvo je de facto priznao Kosovo, potom je zabranio Europride, istovremeno imenujući Anu Brnabić za novu-staru mandatarku Vlade. I sad svi pričaju o toj zabrani koja jeste bitna stvar, a gotovo nitko …

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Keine Antwort auf die Krise

Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz hat lediglich sattsam bekannte Probleme der EU angesprochen. Fragen zu stellen ist gut, aber gesucht werden Lösungen. Europäische Antworten auf die Zeitenwende: Das hat Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz bei seiner Grundsatzrede an der Prager Karls-Universität gefordert. Leider ist der SPD-Politiker diese Antworten selbst schuldig geblieben. Scholz hat zwar …

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International Relations Theory Suggests Great-Power War Is Coming

This week, thousands of university students around the world will begin their introduction to international relations courses for the first time. If their professors are attuned to the ways the world has changed in recent years, they will be teaching them that the major theories of international relations warn that …

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What’s Behind Iraq’s Escalating Political Crisis

Deadly clashes flared in Iraq on Monday after hundreds of people stormed its government palace, an ominous turn of events that has plunged the country even deeper into political turmoil. The protesters, fiercely loyal supporters of the influential Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, had been enraged by his pledge to leave …

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« Manipulation », « passé colonial » : nouvelle passe d’armes entre Paris et Ankara

Dans un communiqué du 27 août, le ministère des Affaires étrangères turc a vivement réagi aux propos tenus la veille par Emmanuel Macron sur l’influence de la Turquie en Afrique, lors du second jour de sa visite officielle en Algérie. « Extrêmement regrettable ». C’est l’expression utilisée par le porte-parole …

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Whose war is the US fighting in Syria, and why?

American troops have been exchanging fire with alleged Iran-backed militas all week. The timing is curious, and dangerous. U.S. forces in Syria have been carrying out strikes against “Iran-backed” militias this week in response to a recent drone attack on the American base at Tanf and rocket attacks at two …

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Why US hegemony is incompatible with a ‘rules-based international order’

A bad argument for invading the Solomon Islands reflects the inherent conflict between America’s dominance and its purported liberal values. There is no shortage of bad ideas circulating in U.S. foreign policy discourse. On occasion, however, a particularly poor argument can be helpful insofar as it reveals something noteworthy about …

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Official Close to Hezbollah Assassinated in Damascus Countryside

Unknown individuals assassinated the commander of the Baath Brigades, a close figure to the Lebanese Hezbollah party, in the countryside of Damascus, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported on Monday. The official was assassinated in recent Israeli shelling in the Damascus countryside, said the Observatory.

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History As It Happens: Ayman al-Zawahiri and the future of al Qaeda

One year after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan ended America’s nation-building project in the “graveyard of empires,” the Taliban-led country faces mass starvation and state collapse. Amidst that cauldron of human misery is what remains of al Qaeda, the terrorist group whose jihadist violence led the U.S. into Afghanistan way …

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