
The Assassination Of Al-Zawahiri May Not Have Been A Good Idea – Analysis

The recent assassination of Al-Qaeda’s Ayman Al-Zawahiri is likely to create a number of ramifications. Al-Zawahiri was assassinated by two Hellfire R9-X missiles from an MQ9 Reaper drone, that had flown over or originated in a third country, in the heart of Kabul, which the US evacuated from in August …

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Erdogan’s New Offensive – OpEd

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that he is planning a new military offensive in northern Syria directed against the Kurds. If one authoritarian leader can defy world opinion, invade the territory of a sovereign state and incur only minor consequences, why not another? This may well have been …

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The Untold Truth About Russia-Kazakhstan Relations And Kazakh Politics – Analysis

Russia may have lost most, or nearly all of its former preeminent position in shaping the outside world’s perception of the other CIS countries and all the events and processes occurring in them. Yet such a supposition, true or not, is not relevant to Kazakhstan. The most basic information and …

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Status of Global War against Terrorism

Many of us have never been fans of the term “War on Terrorism” — it is difficult to articulate a war against a tactic. The successful surgical strike that killed Zawahiri, the successor to al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden… and the drone strike and military operation that took out two …

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Операция «Пономарев»

Существует ли Национальная Республиканская армия, которая якобы убила Дарью Дугину? Вчера вечером экс-депутат Госдумы РФ, а ныне киевлянин Илья Пономарев рассказал на своем канале «Утро февраля», что хорошие русские есть, даже «отличные русские есть», и «вчера они двинули собой». Что несколько месяцев назад он завел телеграм-бот «Роспартизан» для связи с …

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Collective Responsibility and the Slide into the Totalitarian Past

A philosophical and historical argument against collective responsibility. As Russia persists with its brutal war against Ukraine, the question of collective responsibility is being raised – the Russians’ responsibility for the atrocities that are being perpetrated on their behalf and in their name. The ostensibly philosophical question has acquired practical …

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Clues From Views: Will Russia Resort to Nukes in Ukraine?

The words in the news: Speaking about the war in Ukraine to Russian lawmakers on April 27, President Vladimir Putin again raised the specter of nuclear war, warning that, “if anyone decides to interfere … and creates risks of a strategic nature for Russia that are unacceptable to us, they …

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Address to participants and guests of the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Ladies and gentlemen, Esteemed foreign guests, Let me welcome you to the anniversary 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. Over the past decade, your representative forum has become a significant venue for discussing the most pressing military-political problems. Today, such an open discussion is particularly …

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Zamach na córkę ideologa wojny w Ukrainie. Kim była Daria Dugina?

Daria Płatonowa Dugina nie była przypadkową ofiarą nie tylko przez pokrewieństwo z naczelnym ideologiem Kremla. Od wczesnej młodości angażowała się w działalność organizacji swego ojca. 20 sierpnia o godz. 21:30 niedaleko wsi Bolszoje Wiazjomy, 20 km od Moskwy, rozległ się wybuch tak głośny, że z okien okolicznych domów wyleciały szyby. …

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Turkey hopes to extend mediation role in Ukraine war after grain deal success

Defense Minister Hulusi Akar has said the agreement to ship Ukrainian foodstuffs could be a stepping stone toward peace. Flushed with the success of the Ukrainian grain shipment deal it helped negotiate, Turkey is hoping to eventually translate its position as a mediator between Kyiv and Moscow into a peace …

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