
The Shifting Political Hierarchy In The North Caucasus

Russians are not the only ones participating in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. According to the BBC Russian Service, 321 servicemen from the North Caucasus (i.e., the Russian republics of Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan) are confirmed dead. More than half have come from Dagestan. The regional governments …

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Putyin Patyomkin-gazdasága

Rózsás képet festett Vlagyimir Putyin az orosz gazdaság jelenlegi helyzetéről kormányképviselőkkel tartott legutóbbi videótalálkozóján. Az orosz elnök szerint az infláció májusban teljesen eltűnt, és a munkanélküliség a rendszerváltás óta nem volt ilyen alacsony. Az orosz rubel hivatalos árfolyama erősebb, mint a háború előtt volt, és az orosz energiahordozókból származó bevétel …

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Россия готовит большие перемены для Афганистана

Вчера стартовал очередной Петербургский международный экономический форум. Его программа чрезвычайно обширна и насыщенна, но в ряду других встреч и выступлений особняком стоит крайне важное событие. На полях форума замечены замглавы Торгово-промышленной палаты Афганистана Мохаммадюнис Хоссейн и глава афганской дипломатической миссии Джамал Насир Гарвал.Само по себе участие представителей движения “Талибан”* можно …

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Solo Putin e Biden possono fare la pace

Quando scoppia una guerra in genere ci si divide fra chi invoca una soluzione diplomatica subito e chi la rifiuta. Pacifisti contro militaristi, nella assai discutibile vulgata corrente. La disputa regolarmente termina con la cucitura di un abito di più o meno raffinata sartoria diplomatica disegnato in base agli esiti …

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Palestinians ‘Are Bound to Win’: Why Israelis Are Prophesying the End of Their State

While it is true that Zionism is a modern political ideology that has exploited religion to achieve specific colonial objectives in Palestine, prophecies continue to be a critical component of Israel’s perception of itself, and of the state’s relationship to other groups, especially Christian messianic groups in the United States …

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The People vs. Petrocracy

The United States is moving fast on climate change—in the wrong direction. The Energy Information Agency forecasts that by 2023, the nation will set a new annual record for oil extraction: 4.6 billion barrels. Plans to build more than 200 new natural gas power plants are in the works. More …

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Geopolitical Update: U.S. Tact To Make Inroads In Asia

The U.S. sought to bolster its support in Asia by reassuring nations they do not need to join a coalition against China, drawing a stark contrast with Beijing’s threats to defend its interests with military force, said Bloomberg. The Bloomberg report — US Makes Asia Inroads by Playing Down Need …

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Nuclear Weapons: World Spent $156,841 In Every Minute Of 2021

The world nuclear weapons spending found a significant increase in 2021, finds the latest International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) report published on Tuesday. In one year, the nine nuclear-armed nations – U.S., China, Russia, France, India, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and the UK — spent a total of …

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Sensing Opportunity, Erdogan Is Back to Playing the Spoiler

When U.S. President Joe Biden decided not to invite Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to last week’s Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, the Venezuela leader—whose presidency was for years deemed illegitimate by the U.S, the United Kingdom, the European Union and many of Venezuela’s Latin American neighbors, among others—set …

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Turkey Says Taking Necessary Measures to Fight Terrorism

Turkey on Tuesday affirmed it is taking all the necessary security measures within the framework of its cooperation mechanisms in the fight against terrorism. “It is a fact that Turkey is a safe country and continues to fight against terrorism in the most effective way through domestic and cross-border operations. …

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