
Japan’s Tangled Territorial Dispute With Russia

In northernmost Hokkaido, residents can easily see Russian-held islands that once belonged to Japan. Some still hold out hope for the islands’ return. The war in Ukraine, 8,000 kilometers away, may seem distant to most inhabitants of the Japanese archipelago. But there is an exception: the people of Hokkaido. From …

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Nagorno-Karabakh in the Shadow of Ukraine

What Russia’s War Means for Armenia and Azerbaijan As the ripples of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pulse outward, they have left one region especially volatile: the South Caucasus. The Ukrainian conflict has paradoxically raised the likelihood of both further fighting and a negotiated peace in this area between the Caspian …

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Stinging the Russian Army: Use of US Stinger Missiles in Ukraine

Knocking ‘Em Out of the Sky Since ’78 I don’t usually like to start my pieces with a video, but I’ll make an exception in this case. The video below is too awesome not to include right away. It shows a Stinger missile doing what Stingers do best; blowing stuff …

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Defying US, Turkey says doesn’t need ‘permission’ to launch new offensive in Syria

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has defied a warning from the United States about launching a new offensive into northern Syria. Erdogan said on Monday Turkey will not wait for Washington’s “permission” to launch a new military operation inside the Arab country. “One cannot fight terrorism while waiting for the …

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Top cmdr. visits new secret underground base as Iran displays new drone, missile

Iran’s most senior military commander visits one of the Army’s secret underground bases, which houses a huge fleet of cutting-edge Iranian drones. During his visit on Saturday, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri got a first-hand account of the Iranian Army’s …

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Restaurer un rapport de force

Samedi, le président français et le chancelier allemand se sont entretenus avec le président russe. Emmanuel Macron et Olaf Scholz ont appelé Vladimir Poutine à « des négociations directes sérieuses avec le président ukrainien » et réclamé « une solution diplomatique » à la guerre en Ukraine. Le lendemain, les …

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Безвыходное военное положение. Истощение ресурсов заставит Москву выбирать между капитуляцией и замораживанием конфликта

Еще месяц назад многие обсуждали перспективы переговорного процесса Украины и России. Уже тогда было понятно, что никакие переговоры не будут возможны, пока Москва не откажется от собственного военно-политического радикализма или же не сможет улучшить позиции на поле боя. Последнего за прошедшие недели ей сделать не удалось, а человеческий и материальный …

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Johnson proposes alternative union with Ukraine, may include Baltic states – media

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has invited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to create a new alliance, an alternative to the EU, that could include the Baltic states as well, the Italian daily Corriere della Sera has reported citing its sources. This alliance could include, in addition to the UK and …

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Kissinger: These are the main geopolitical challenges facing the world right now

Former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, joined Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, for a conversation on the most pressing issues facing the world. Kissinger says the conflict in Ukraine can permanently restructure the global order. How the USA and China navigate their relationship in …

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Kyiv, Washington Oppose Decree Fast-Tracking Russian Citizenship For Residents Of Newly Occupied Ukrainian Territories

A decree allowing residents of two Ukrainian regions, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya, to obtain Russian citizenship has prompted objections from Kyiv and the U.S. State Department. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry in a statement protested the “illegal issuing of passports,” calling it “a flagrant violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, as …

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