
Iran confirms Taliban diplomats stationed in Tehran Embassy

Tehran said the move to allow Taliban-appointed diplomats was not a step toward recognizing the current establishment in neighboring Afghanistan. Iran has confirmed allowing Taliban diplomats at Afghanistan’s Embassy in Tehran, insisting, however, that the decision is not meant to pave the way for official recognition of the Taliban as …

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Standoff between rival groups locks down north Syria crossing

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham has arrested several members of the Sham Legion affiliated with the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army and the crossing point between north Syrian areas held by the two groups remains closed. Tensions are high at the Ghazawiya crossing, which separates the town of Darat Azza in the western …

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The Impact of the Ukraine War on Russian Espionage in Europe, Part II

In the first part of this two-part series, we examined European countries’ recent mass expulsions of Russian diplomats, many of whom are believed to be spies. While we highlighted the ways in which these moves will constrain Russian espionage, we also considered how Russian human intelligence, or ”humint,” work is …

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Iran Entangled: Iran and Hezbollah’s Support to Proxies Operating in Syria

At a time when power dynamics in the Middle East region are in flux due to the shifting circumstances of the Islamic State, the drawdown of U.S. troops in the region, and the intensification of Iranian-backed attacks on U.S. and Saudi Arabian targets in the region, an historical look at …

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Biden Administration Ignores What the Palestinians Are Really Saying

Hamas “will remain committed to its charter until the goals of our people are achieved, including the liberation [of all Palestine].” — Hazem Qassem, Hamas spokesperson,, April 22, 2022. The Biden administration’s representatives who are talking about “the need for all parties to work for calm, especially in Jerusalem,” …

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Türkiye’deki göçmenler

Türkiye’de Batı dünyasında olduğu gibi kurumsal bir yabancı düşmanlığı olduğuna inanmıyorum. Her toplumda göçmenler ile yerliler arasında zaman zaman gerilimler olabilir. Göçmenlerden rahatsızlık duyanların sayısı da artış gösterebilir. Ancak şükürler olsun ülkemizde bu tür duygu ve düşüncelerin üzerine inşa edilmiş siyasi partiler, sivil toplum örgütleri falan söz konusu değil. Yeni …

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Ο πόλεμος

Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα και ο πόλεμος συνεχίζεται. Ανάμεσα σε δύο κράτη «χριστιανικά» και «ορθόδοξα». Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα των παθών λοιπόν, αλλά η Ανάσταση αργεί πολύ. Ο πόλεμος συνεχίζεται, ο πόλεμος αλέθει στις μυλόπετρές του ανθρώπους και σκορπίζει δυστυχία παντού. Και απειλεί την ίδια τη ζωή του πλανήτη. «Καινούργιες τρέλες των ανθρώπων ή …

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Palestinian Man, 20, Killed in Clashes With Israeli Troops During Arrest Raid Near Jericho

A Palestinian man, 20, was killed during clashes early Tuesday morning with Israeli troops in a refugee camp near Jericho in the West Bank. Ahmed Ibrahim Owaidat was hit in the head with live fire and died several hours later in a hospital in Ramallah, according to the ministry, Israeli …

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Explosions in Moldovan region near Ukraine spark war worries

Two explosions in a radio facility close to the Ukrainian border knocked a pair of powerful broadcast antennas out of service in Moldova’s separatist region of Trans-Dniester, local police said Tuesday. Trans-Dniester, a strip of land with about 470,000 people, has been under the control of separatist authorities since a …

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Russia’s war heats up cooking oil prices in global squeeze

For months, Istanbul restaurant Tarihi Balikca tried to absorb the surging cost of the sunflower oil its cooks use to fry fish, squid and mussels. But in early April, with oil prices nearly four times higher than they were in 2019, the restaurant finally raised its prices. Now, even some …

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