
There is no political crisis in Macedonia to hold early elections: Ali Ahmeti

No reshuffles will be made in the Macedonian government at least not in the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI), said the leader of the party Ali Ahmeti. Ahmeti noted the party is concentrated over the resolution of the name issue and this is its main priority for now. According to …

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Slovenia Offers to Help Macedonia

Slovenia stands ready to help Macedonia in finding a compromise with Greece over its name that would unblock its EU and NATO membership bids, Slovenian Prime Minister said on Sunday. During his visit to Skopje, Pahor and his host, Macedonia’s Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, confirmed good relations between both countries.

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Rasmussen: Name settlement A must

The Name dispute must be solved in order Macedonia to join NATO, NATO Secretary General Andres Fogh Rasmussen said at the meeting with Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski in Brussels. Rasmussen urged for name settlement and expressed hope to see Macedonia as NATO member state very soon. Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola …

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NATO: Doors Remain Open To Macedonia

NATO reiterated that its doors remain opened for Macedonia, but only after a solution to its name dispute with Athens is reached. “There is not shortcut: we made the decision in Bucharest, that we will start accession talks with Skopje immediately after a mutually acceptable solution is found. I encourage …

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Macedonian PM Gruevski to meet Anders Fogh Rasmussen

Macedonian PM Gruevski will discuss on Macedonia’s achievements and perspectives regarding NATO membership as well as present and future reforms of the country in the frameworks of EU integration. PM Gruevski announced that he is not expecting too much of his meeting with Rasmussen, but pointed out

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Macedonia “Name” Solution In Stages Unlikely

Greece has rejected an idea put forward by Macedonian parliamentarian Pavle Trajanov for a three stage solution to the Athens-Skopje name dispute, Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said on Thursday. “Trajanov’s proposal is probably well intended and I greet it, but judging by the talks that I had with Greece …

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Macedonia Proposes “Name” Solution

Skopje is testng the waters with a three phase solution for the long lasting “name” row with Athens that would unlock country’s EU and NATO accession aspirations, local media report on Thursday. The new proposal for solving the row which recently came from Macedonian legislator Pavle Trajanov is in fact …

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Great Britain and Hungary strongly support Macedonia’s EU and NATO entry

Great Britain and Hungary want Macedonia to join EU and NATO, support setting a date for accession talks with EU and hope Macedonia to find an acceptable name solution, British Foreign Minister David Miliband and Hungarian President László Sólyom said in their letters send to Macedonia President Gjorgje Ivanov.

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Macedonia Attacks Constitutional Court

The main opposition party claims that the government is secretly preparing constitutional changes that should impede the free work of the constitutional court. Prime Minister and ruling VMRO DPMNE head, Nikola Gruevski wants to deal with the judges who constantly reassess and annul his laws, an opposition legislator from the …

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