Turkish-Qatari coordination seen preparing for Doha to replace Ankara in exerting influence in Libya. Turkey and Qatar are moving in Libya in a way that suggests they share a plan to obstruct the settlement path led by the US State Department, in a step that reflects an anticipation of and …
Read More »Libya ceasefire: UN relaunches inclusive political forum, amid growing 'sense of hope'
The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) has announced the launch of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, following the signing of a permanent ceasefire agreement in the strife-torn country.
Read More »Turkish-French dispute carries over to Libya
There are growing indications that Erdogan may be pushing to undermine the ceasefire in Libya. At the current stage of the French-Turkish political conflict, political and religious considerations are being purposely mixed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but the background of his clash with France confirms it has nothing …
Read More »Egypt extends surprising help to US over Libya crisis
Washington’s active role is tied by analysts to the influx of foreign mercenaries in Libya and wariness about Russia’s growing role. Egypt’s involvement in efforts led by the US State Department, represented by its embassy in Tripoli and the acting UN envoy to Libya, US diplomat Stephanie Williams, has surprised …
Read More »Turkey, Russia seen hampering settlement process in Libya
Turkey and Russia are moving counter the international efforts led by the United States to impose a new political settlement in Libya, which brings the spectre of war to the fore again about a month and a half after the rival parties in the conflict announced a ceasefire following a …
Le groupe chargé de nommer le président qui dirigera le Mali au cours des prochains mois après le putsch du 18 août doit se réunir ce lundi. C’est ce qu’a annoncé un responsable d’une des organisations associées aux concertations. Le ballet diplomatique continue. Après la visite du chef de la …
Read More »Haftar received a warship from Russia to repel the Turks off the coast of Libya
The Libyan National Army [LNA – ed.], led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, received a repaired Soviet Dolphin-class warship under Project 1159, with the help of which it should repel possible Turkish attacks off the coast of Libya.
Read More »Russian air defense systems outmatched by Turkish drones in Syria and Libya
The Turkish-backed GNA is unique example of an army that uses drones as an essential tactical unit for close air support and strategy; I don’t mean that the US or Israel doesn’t use them; but the way you see here as a key major PART of the operation; not an …
Read More »Is the Conflict in Libya a Preview of the Future of Warfare?
The Libyan conflict, now entering its ninth year, could well be a testing ground for how wars will be fought in the future. The conflict itself looks much different today than it did in 2011, when a coalition of NATO countries deposed longtime Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi and the country …
Read More »Turkey Wades into Libya’s Troubled Waters
Turkish intervention in Libya’s war stopped the besieged Tripoli government from collapsing. But fighting with Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar’s forces has since escalated, threatening a protracted conflict. Both Ankara and Haftar’s regional backers should urge their allies toward a return to negotiations and a ceasefire.
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