Middle Orient

Iraq Endorses Arab Relocation for Kirkuk

Iraq’s government has endorsed plans to relocate thousands of Arabs who were moved to Kirkuk as part of Saddam Hussein’s campaign to force ethnic Kurds out of the oil-rich city, in an effort to undo one of the former dictator’s most enduring and hated policies.

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Cleric Warns UNSC, EU not to Meddle with Iran-Britain Problem

Tehran’s Interim Friday Prayers Leader Ahmad Khatami called on the UN Security Council, European Union and other international bodies not to interfere with the current problem between Tehran and London, saying that Britain has trespassed Iran’s borders and the issue must be solved by the two countries themselves.

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Security Measures Increase around British Embassy in Tehran

Following increased tensions between Tehran and London over the detention of 15 British marines who entered Iranian waters illegally and likely gatherings by protestors in front of the embassy compound, the police increased security measures and arrangements around the embassy here in Tehran on Friday.

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