Middle Orient

With or without Rumsfeld, US staying in Iraq

BAGHDAD — US soldiers strolled through neighbourhoods in troubled north Baghdad on Thursday, poking their heads into storefronts and delivering the same message all day: Donald Rumsfeld’s departure does not mean American forces will abandon efforts to stabilise the capital.

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Computer game takes ‘journalist’s’ view of Mideast

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM — A computer game developed in Denmark is about to give high school students outside the Middle East a new window into the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “Global Conflicts: Palestine”, by Serious Games Interactive, will enable players to become virtual journalists moving through Israel and the Palestinian territories, where they …

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At least 80 civilians were killed in southern Afghanistan

At least 80 civilians were killed in Nato bombings in southern Afghanistan earlier this week, according to local government officials and witnesses. Nato admitted that it had received credible reports that several civilians were killed in Panjwai but insisted that 48 Taliban fighters had died during the heavy fighting.

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