Middle Orient

No magic formula for peace

BAGHDAD — US leaders are pushing Iraqis hard to resolve the deadlock over a new prime minister and form a unity government. But getting that done will offer no guarantee of a quick end to the country’s violence.

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Iraqi gov’t talks snarl

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Iraq’s Shiite leaders, divided over their choice for the next prime minister, cancelled a much-awaited parliament session on Sunday as rebel attacks across the country left at least 31 people dead.

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Empty seat at league talks

CAIRO (Reuters) — Iraq left its seat empty at a meeting of Arab foreign ministers on Iraq on Wednesday, carrying out its threat to boycott the Arab League event in protest at remarks by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

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Iraq Shiite mosque blast kills 26

Leaders fail to make progress towards forming unity gov’tBAGHDAD (Reuters) — A car bomb killed at least 26 people outside a Shiite mosque north of Baghdad on Wednesday as Iraqi leaders failed to make progress towards forming a national unity government they hope can avert sectarian civil war.

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Turkish leaders vow to fight Kurdish radicals

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (AP) — Turkey’s leaders promised an enhanced fight against Kurdish militants Thursday after a week of the worst street clashes in decades, but said the fight would not mean backtracking on democratic reforms that are critical to Turkey’s bid to join the European Union.

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Bush authorised leaks on Iraq

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — A former senior White House official testified that President George W. Bush authorised the leaking of classified material on Iraq, according to court papers made public on Thursday that immediately ignited a political storm.

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Young Somalis learn to live with anarchy

MOGADISHU — Somali warlords are destroying Muse Suldan’s dream to be a teacher. The 12-year-old often flees Mogadishu and misses school to escape gunbattles between rival militias. Like a generation of young Somalis, he has never known peace or lived under a formal government, growing up in anarchy after strongman …

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