Middle Orient

Israeli strikes kill 27 in Lebanon

Israeli air stirkes in Lebanon have killed 27 civilians and forced the closure of Beirut’s international airport. An Israeli woman was also killed after Hezbollah fired rockets across the border with Israel into the northern town of Nahariya.   The closure of the new Rafiq Hariri airport on Thursday came …

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21 killed as Islamists rid capital of warlords

MOGADISHU (AFP) — Somali Islamic fighters on Sunday declared “absolute” victory over the remaining warlords in the lawless capital Mogadishu after deadly clashes that claimed at least 21 lives, marking the end of the notorious warlords’ rule in the Indian Ocean city.

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20,000 Turks protest against Israel

ISTANBUL  (AP) — About 20,000 pro-Islamic Turks chanted “Down with Israel” to protest Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, a day after the Turkish foreign minister called the offensive in response to the abduction of an Israeli soldier “horrifying”.

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