Middle Orient

US outflanked in Eurasia energy politics

The United States’ global energy-control strategy, it’s now clear to most, was the actual reason for the highly costly regime change in Iraq, euphemistically dubbed “democracy” by Washington. But while it is preoccupied with implanting democracy in the Middle East, the United States is quietly being outflanked in the rush …

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US abuse of Iraqis fuels insurgency

BAGHDAD — No sooner had US authorities filed rape and murder charges against ex-soldier Steven D. Green than an account of the incident appeared on an Islamist website in the name of an insurgent group, the Mujahedeen Army. It promised “harsh punishment” for the alleged crime.

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Ben Laden warns US, Shiites

DUBAI (Reuters) —  A purported audiotape by Al Qaeda leader Osama Ben Laden warned Iraq’s Shiite majority on Saturday of retaliation over attacks on Sunni Arabs and that his group would fight the United States anywhere in the world.

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Baghdad car bomb kills 66

BAGHDAD (AP) — A huge car bomb exploded Saturday at a bustling outdoor market in a Shiite district of Baghdad, killing at least 66 people and injuring about 100 in the deadliest attack since the new national unity government took office six weeks ago.

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Iraq: A War For Israel

The United States invasion of Iraq in March-April 2003, and the occupation of the country since then, has cost more than three thou­sand American lives and many tens of billions of dollars, and has brought death to tens of thousands of Iraqis.

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