Middle Orient

Palestinians’ long wait at Gaza border for Israelis to go

RAFAH — Although Egypt lies a mere 800 metres away, Naim Mohammed may wait hours or even days to get there. For Palestinians in this impoverished border town, very little has changed since Israel’s historic evacuation of Jewish settlers from Gaza. Throughout August, around a thousand Palestinians arrive daily at …

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Only heat has candidate Mubarak sweating

CAIRO — Dabbing sweat from his brow with a neatly folded white handkerchief, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak plods on with his election campaign speech, promising building land for the young and more investment in agriculture. He starts with the ritual homage to the history of the town he is visiting …

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Iran bids to open out talks beyond Europe

TEHRAN (AFP) — Iran does not consider Britain, France and Germany to be the sole negotiating partners on its nuclear programme and believes the process should be opened out beyond Europe, the foreign ministry said Sunday. “We will continue negotiating with them, but on the other hand we will not …

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Road to Iraqi charter far rockier than expected due to miscalculations, overblown optimism

BAGHDAD — Since the early days of the occupation, the United States has aimed for a democratic constitution to serve the interests of all Iraq’s ethnic and religious groups. Getting one has proven tough. The tortured process, now approaching a climactic stage, has been marked by false starts, overblown optimism …

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Bush touts constitution, prods Sunnis

CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) — President George W. Bush on Sunday dismissed the rejection of Iraq’s new draft constitution by Sunni negotiators as the opinion of a few, expressing confidence that the failure to secure backing from all the country’s ethnic and political groups won’t derail a transition to democracy. Bush …

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Main points of Iraq constitution

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Iraqi leaders presented the final draft of a new constitution to parliament Sunday ending weeks of tortuous negotiation without winning the endorsement of representatives of the disgruntled Sunni Arab minority. The draft constitution brings in a federal system of government with Islamic law as “a principal source …

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Iraq charter ready for referendum

BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi officials finished the new constitution Sunday but failed to win the endorsement of Sunni Arab negotiators, a major setback for the Bush administration strategy to lure Sunnis away from the insurgency and hasten the day US troops can go home. Absence of Sunni Arab endorsement, after …

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Triple bombing breaks Baghdad lull, kills 43

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Three car bombs killed at least 43 people in a coordinated attack on a Baghdad bus station in the morning rush hour on Wednesday, ending a lull in insurgent attacks as Iraqi leaders resumed talks on a new constitution. At least 43 people were killed and 88 …

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UN 150 years behind target on improving health — WHO

GENEVA (AFP) — UN targets to improve children’s health in poor countries within 10 years will take at least 150 years to achieve despite a concerted international effort to tackle mortality and malnutrition, the UN health agency said Monday. The World Health Organisation reiterated that the health-related targets set under …

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MPs receive 1st post-Saddam charter

BAGHDAD (AFP) — Iraq’s first post-Saddam Hussein draft constitution was presented to parliament Monday under intense US pressure, just minutes before a new deadline ran out, but with a number of issues still unresolved. Parliament Speaker Hajim Hasani said MPs received the draft constitution on time Monday, after tortuous negotiations, …

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