Vladimir Putin has been dealt a significant geopolitical blow with the downfall of Bashar al-Assad, whose regime in Syria the Russian president had committed considerable funding and military resources to propping up. Assad fled Syria and has claimed political asylum in Russia, Kremlin-backed media reported, his now exiled status depriving …
Read More »Syrian government services come to a ‘complete halt’ as state workers stay home after rebel takeover
Syria’s prime minister said Monday that most cabinet ministers were back at work after rebels overthrew President Bashar Assad, but some state workers failed to return to their jobs, and a United Nations official said the country’s public sector had come “to a complete and abrupt halt.” Meanwhile, streams of …
Read More »In historic campaign across Syria, IDF says it destroyed 80% of Assad regime’s military
After rebel takeover, Israeli Air Force and Navy strike missile depots, naval vessels, fighter jets and more to ensure they don’t fall into wrong hands Following a major 48-hour bombing campaign in Syria, the Israel Defense Forces on Tuesday said it had destroyed most of the former Bashar al-Assad regime’s …
Read More »Images of Syria’s opposition flag raised at the embassy in Russia
The three-starred flag of the Syrian rebel groups has been installed over the Syrian embassy building in Moscow. At the Syrian embassy in Russia’s capital, Moscow, a group of men raised the opposition flag a day after the government of Bashar al-Assad fell in Damascus. “Today the [Syrian] embassy opened …
Read More »Who is Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the leader of the insurgency that toppled Syria’s Assad?
Abu Mohammed al-Golani, the militant leader whose stunning insurgency toppled Syria’s President Bashar Assad, has spent years working to remake his public image, renouncing longtime ties to al-Qaida and depicting himself as a champion of pluralism and tolerance. As he entered Damascus behind his victorious fighters Sunday, he even dropped …
Read More »US patience with Turkey tested again over Syria, attacks on Kurdish partners
The Pentagon chief, the top US military general, and the top US diplomat all spoke to their Turkish counterparts this week Shortly after the fall of the Assad regime in Syria, the US military conducted one of its largest attacks on ISIS in years. Part of the reason for the …
Read More »Preparing for potential ‘chaos’ in post-Assad Syria, Israel goes on the offensive
The Israeli military says it carried out nearly 500 strikes against Syrian military targets in the days since the fall of President Bashar al-Assad, while its troops moved into a demilitarised zone in the Golan Heights that was established following the 1973 Middle East war. Analysts say Tel Aviv may …
Read More »Syrie : Gagnants et perdants ou les deux
Il est désormais très probable que le pays se désagrège. Les acteurs extérieurs et intérieurs tenteront de s’emparer et/ou de contrôler autant de parties du cadavre qu’ils le pourront. Il s’ensuivra des années de chaos et de conflits. Israël s’empare d’une autre grande partie du territoire syrien. Il a pris …
Read More »La Syrie, et après ?
La chute du régime syrien provisoirement conclue par le départ du président Bachar al-Assad vers une destination pour l’instant inconnue (Moscou semble-t-il), a étonné par sa rapidité. La faiblesse du régime n’est pas une nouveauté puisqu’il n’a dû sa survie dans la guerre intérieure qu’a connu le pays de 2011 …
Read More »Après l’Afghanistan, la Syrie ? Al-Qaïda serait devenue une organisation caritative et inclusive, sacrés journalistes
Le système se félicite de la victoire des islamistes en Syrie. Et après ils pleurent hypocritement les femmes afghanes et iraniennes (bientôt syriennes). Le chef de ceux qui viennent de renverser Bachar fut un compagnon de route de l’attentat au bataclan et le gouvernement français le soutien. L’assassin de Samuel …
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