
Konaković in Novi Pazar: Months needed to solve the consulate’s problems

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina Elmedin Konaković visited Novi Pazar where he met with representatives of the Bosniak National Council (BNV) and the Islamic Community in Serbia. He told the journalists, after the meeting at BNV, that it will take several months to solve the administrative problems …

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If and how will Russia react if Vučić signs an agreement with Kosovo?

The citizens of the north of Kosovo have been living under, until now, probably the most intense danger to their existence and bare life, depending on the decisions and moves of the high political elites from Serbia and Kosovo. Ahead of the meeting of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, …

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Vuk Jeremic for Danas about the invitation to testify in the investigation of members of President Biden’s family

This is a showdown at the top of American politics, between a Democratic administration in the White House and a Republican majority in the US House of Representatives. Earlier, the democratic majority accused President Trump, now the republican majority accuses President Biden, but that is their internal policy in which …

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Who would win if the Belgrade elections were held tomorrow, and who was the best mayor: New NSPM research on ratings

If the Belgrade elections were held tomorrow, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) would receive the support of 37.8 percent of the respondents, while the coalition partner, the Socialist Party of Serbia, could count on the support of nine percent, according to the New Serbian Political Thought survey in the territory …

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Who about what, Vučić about his war profiteering

The insensitivity of the President of Serbia, the former general secretary of the convicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj, who is the same thirty years after the crimes and the blackness of the people of the former Yugoslavia, including his own, only in accordance with the new circumstances, has become accustomed. …

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“The ruling system of Aleksandar Vučić”: Why is Serbia investing millions in new armaments?

The new arming of Serbia and the increase in the level of fear among citizens represents the system of governance of Aleksandar Vučić, according to Danas interlocutors, reacting to the statement of the President of Serbia that he will invest huge amounts of money in the defense industry and the …

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Kurti: Veoma sam optimističan da će konačni sporazum sa Srbijom biti postignut ove godine

Kosovski premijer Aljbin Kurti rekao je večeras u intervjuu francuskoj televiziji „Frans 24“ da je „veoma optimističan“ da će konačni sporazum sa Srbijom biti postignut ove godine, ali je dodao da će sledeći sastanak u Briselu pokazati čemu možemo da se nadamo u 2023. „Mislim da će sledeći sastanak u …

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Sanda Rašković Ivić: Kosovo još nije oteto, Srbija ne sme dobrovoljno da učestvuje u otimanju

Poslanica Narodne stranke Sanda Rašković Ivić izjavila je danas da Kosovo i Metohija „još nije oteto“ i da Srbija ne sme da dobrovoljno učestvuje u otimanju dela svoje teritorije i prihvati sporazum po kojem bi samoproglašeno Kosovo postalo član UN. „Kada nešto date, onda je gotovo, a ako vam neko …

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DPK i DSK traže da Kurti bude ispitan o slučaju nestanka uzoraka Astrita Deharija

Predstavnici Demokratske partije (DPK) i Demokratskog saveza Kosova (DSK) zatražili su danas da Specijalno tužilaštvo ispita premijera Kosova Aljbina Kurtija o slučaju nestanka uzoraka preminulog aktiviste pokreta Samoopredeljenje Astrita Deharija. Poslanica DSK Doarsa Kica-Dželjilji postavila je na Fejsbuku postavila nekoliko pitanja o tome da li su uzorci izgubljeni ili namerno …

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„Potpisivanjem francusko-nemačkog plana stvara se velika Albanija“: Održana tribina „Ne kapitulaciji! Ne ultimatumu!“ u Nišu

Potpisivanje francusko-nemačkog plana za Kosovo značilo bi secesiju južne srpske pokrajine i stvaranje velike Albanije, ocenili su danas na tribini u Nišu predstavnici Dveri, Nove Demokratske stranke Srbije, Pokreta obnove Kraljevine Srbije i Zavetnici. Predsednik Novog DSS-a Miloš Jovanović rekao je da je Aleksandar Vučić već u dva navrata rekao …

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