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The Netherlands will withdraw peacekeeping mission from Bosnia by the end of October

The last Dutch peacekeepers in Bosnia will leave next month after a two-decade mission overshadowed by the massacre of thousands of Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995. “We are ending the mission at the end of October when the largest part of our troops return home, except for …

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Belgrade-Pristina discussion delayed in Brussels

An EU-mediated dialogue process scheduled to take place between representatives of Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels has been postponed after the Serbian delegation demanded a change in the discussion agenda. The seventh round of Belgrade-Pristina talks was due to take place today, covering the subjects of energy, telecommunications and Kosovo’s …

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Serbian official says Kosovo must accept ‘reality’

Rasim Ljajic says Serbia should adopt a two-pronged policy towards Kosovo: accepting the ‘reality’ of the loss of the south, while encouraging the Serb-run north to peacefully pursue its campaign for self-determination. In a break with Belgrade’s official line on Kosovo – which is that the whole of the ex-province …

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